29 November 2008

Saturday Silliness Part D

I almost forgot today is Saturday! (See what happens on long weekends? I lose all track of time and days and such.) Now, today's video is one that some of you may have seen before. I know I have received it via email at least twice, if not three times, in the last few months. However, I think it is worth sharing, so here it is (it picks up around the minute and a half mark, so stick with it)...

Isn't that cool?! It almost makes me wish we had dancing at our wedding, and that we had thought of this too. Other couples have done the same sort of thing, but I think these two take the "cake". Get it? Cake? Wedding video? Wedding cake? (insert moan here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That is AWESOME! You and Josh could have totally rocked something like that at your wedding but I think that confused, sad little dude who played the keyboard wouldn't have been able to keep up. Someone should tell Karl about this before his wedding.
