The other night, during dinner, Zeke farted. He looked at me, after doing so, and started laughing. So I told him he had to say, "Excuse me." He looked at me like, "Oh, you think so, huh?" and then tooted again. So I looked at him and said, "Say excuse me." He looked at me, and tried so hard to squeeze out another toot. All he did was make his face red from the pushing. Not five minutes later he was climbing onto the table. After telling him to get down three times, I said, "Am I going to have to spank your bottom?" His reply? A giant toot. Yeah. He is his father's child. Awesome.

Deacon has six teeth now. He got numbers 5 and 6 the other week. It was a terrible week. I guess having two come in at once is not something Deacon really handles well because he had a fever and the pressure from the teeth put pressure on his ears, and he was just a bear to deal with. Until Daddy would arrive home from work. I called Josh one day and told him I was going to sell Deacon to the next pack of Gypsies that passed by because I just couldn't take the constant whining anymore. Of course, as soon as Josh walks in the door that night Deacon starts laughing and smiling and cooing and being just so delightful. Yeah, he's a daddy's boy. Really makes having Josh gone these two weeks extra super. At least he's feeling better though.
Ahhh....there's nothing funnier than the sound of someone letting one rip. At least in the mind of a boy. Hahahah. Kids crack me up!!!
Jim likes to remind me that the reason my daughter thinks tooting is funny is because I have laughed when she does it. I just can't help it, though! Because if the tooting wasn't funny enough, I'd still have to laugh when she says, "My have a little gas, Mama."
Wes does the same thing. But someone at school told him it was a 'fart' so after he does it he runs around and says "Me fart" or "Wesley fart" laughing hysterically. His favorite though is when he toots in the bath and makes bubbles. He just can't get enough of that.
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