So much to write, so little time. Okay. Josh's sister, Linda, came to visit us last week. She arrived last Sunday and left today (this was posted a day after it was written since I didn't get to finish it yesterday like planned). We had a FABULOUS time. It was great as Josh was in the field and I was so happy to have some extra hands around to help me with "Thing One" and "Thing Two".
Before I get into what all we did while she was here, I first want to put out there that the Thursday before she came out, Linda and Jeff got a phone call. They have been chosen to adopt a baby! AAHHH!!! Not only have they been chosen, BUT the baby, who has yet to be born, is going to be born on the 25th of this month! So, not only did they find out three days before she left that they were getting a brand new baby boy, but that they were getting a brand new baby boy in 20 days, ten of which Linda was spending in Germany! It's so crazy. We are so incredibly stoked, and I just had to share that with all of you! I hope you don't mind, Linda.
Now, on to her visit. Most of the time we just hung out around the house doing some of our favorite things. You know, wrestling, going for walks, eating, playing, really just hanging out. Hanging out as we hang out. Yeah. It's always a good time over here. Here are some pictures of us hanging out as we hang out.

On Friday, I surprised Linda with a "Yay You're Adopting a Baby in Twenty Days!!" dinner. Not to be confused with a baby shower. Those are SO 1982. Anyhoo. I had invited some of my friends who either knew Linda, or who had been praying for her the past few months (year) of this wild adoption ride. I also invited a friend of Linda's who lives in Germany to dinner as another surprise. It was awesome. Linda's friend drove two plus hours to come to dinner, and boy was Linda surprised by it all. The first picture is her crying at the realization that dinner was for her, and that her friend came over for it, that we were all there for her (and for Jeff, but he was in the states). Oh, the last picture is pirate monkey pj's from yours truly. I couldn't resist them. Yarg!
This time around we finally managed to get Aunt Linda to the schwimmbad (pool). I thought she had been before, but she never had. Crazy! This was also Deacon's first time in water bigger than the bathtub. He had a blast. I will say this for my boys, they are NOT afraid of water. In fact, they LOVE water. Put them in or around any amount of water, and fun will be had. No one gets out dry either. But that's all part of the fun, right?

In closing, Josh decided to have a "mustache off" with his former driver while he was in the field the first few weeks of this month. He won. He also freaked out the kids a little bit when he came home sporting it. Here's a picture. It's your 'moment of zen' as I bid you farewell for today.

Oh! One more thing. I put up a whole bunch of pictures from the month on flickr. Check it out by clicking on the badge to the left.
Congrats for Linda and her husband - I'm sure they are beyond ecstatic:) Glad that you all had such a nice time together. Have you been knitting at all recently?
Of course I don't mind that you shared! We are telling everyone, even random strangers. Hey! You! Stranger! We're adopting a baby in less than a week!
People think we are wierd but I? think we are FUN.
Speaking of fun, that shower/dinner/shnitzelfest was AWESEOME. I had scuh a great time. It bears repeating, thanks again. I hope you've gone over to my blog and read all the nice things that people are saying about you. You made the internet cry. :-)
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