24 June 2008

It's a Start

We have a house. We don't have orders, we don't have a "movers come and take away all our stuff" date, we don't have a "say good-bye to Germany" date. We don't have anything concrete about our leaving here, but we do have a house in Oklahoma now to live in for the seven or so months that we will be there for the career course.

As you can guess by the picture, Joni found it for us, as well as did all of the contact and leg work, so it'll be ready and waiting for us whenever we actually get there. I'd link the rest of the pictures, but the current renters are still working on getting out, so it's messy, and not our stuff, and it'll look different once we're all moved in. You know, in time to move out. I kid. Anyhoo, it's seems like it'll be just the right size for us, and we're super excited that we'll be neighbors with the Starlings! Now, if we could just get those orders...

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