Then, as if that wasn't enough, Linda and Jeff's baby boy Samuel arrived! Aaahh! I'm so in love! For those of you just tuning in, Linda and Jeff are adopting this sweet baby boy who was born on Wednesday (that's June 25th) at 12:25 in the afternoon. He weighed in at 7 pounds 3 1/2 ounces and is 18 3/4 inches long. And he's just down right adorable. I'm an aunt! I just sent him a little something in the mail and signed it Uncle Josh and Aunt Beth (and Zeke and Deacon). What fun! Here are some pictures of this new little guy. As you can see, Linda and Jeff are just besides themselves with joy. As are we.
And then, oh yes, there's more, and then, Deacon turned ONE yesterday! What?!? How did this happen? I do not recall giving permission for my sweet baby to turn one. It seems like just last year he was born. Okay, bad joke. Here are some pictures from his present from us - a train. The middle picture is Zeke melting down because we wouldn't let him play with it right away. Oh yeah. Once Deacon left it alone for a second though, Zeke absconded with it to another part of the house. Josh said he gives new meaning to the term "train robber". I don't think Deacon minded too much though.

And then, there was cake. Oh boy, was there cake. Everywhere. I have more pictures up on Flickr.

Happy birthday sweet boy. We love you.
And welcome Gracie and Sam. We love you too, and we can't wait to meet you.
I hope God is blessing you all as He is surely blessing us.
oh my, so much to catch up on! sounds like you've been busy! hey just be happy your boys like strawberries! also such a cute house, and what great neighbors! i remember watching our neighbor get packed out 3-4 months before us- it was hard to watch. soak up your time there though, who knows when you'll be back!
I totally blanked, but I knew Deacon's birthday was coming up! And now it's passed. Sorry I forgot! Sounds like you guys had a good time though. And such great news about Grace and Samuel! Yea for babies!
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