Every May/June Schweinfurt sets up a big volksfest in the fest platz across from base. It's essentially a carnvial. There are rides and games and food and all kinds of fun. I love to go. I look foward to it every year. This year, my friend Elizabeth and I took the boys this past Sunday. We had bratwurst for dinner, and then walked around. Here's a picture of Elizabeth, Zeke and Deacon enjoying dinner.

This year I took Zeke on his first amusement park ride. It was one of those little trains that just go in little circles. I was happy they let parents on too, otherwise I might not have let him go. I just kept picturing him getting on, it starting, him freaking out, and trying to exit the train as it goes in circles. At first, he was a little hesitant about it, but once I sat down and sat him with me on the train he got SO excited. I'm pretty sure he just about peed his pants he was so thrilled. And when it started moving? Forget about it. He was so stoked he sounded like he was almost crying with sheer excitement. Here's a picture of us on one of our laps around the track.

We also got ice cream on the way out and ate it at a park across the street. This was Deacon's first experience with ice cream, and let's just say it went pretty well. I mean, the kid will eat just about anything so it wasn't too much of a surprise that he liked it, but shortly after this picture was taken he was climbing all over me to get more.

All in all, a pretty good day. I'm super excited Elizabeth was willing to hang out with us so I had some help with the boys. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure we never would have made it.
OH! And by the way, Deaconhasbeensleepingupstairsforabouttwoweeksnowanddoingperfectlyfinewithit.
(I said that quickly so I wouldn't have to admit that Josh was right.)
Now we're just counting down the hours until Aunt Linda gets here tomorrow morning! YAY!
Just a few hours until I leave!! Yay!
How fun!!! We weren't able to get over there before we left... there will be other Fests in our future...LOL.
If Deacon is sleeping upstairs, where is crazy Aunt Linda gonna sleep?
Have a great time with your sister! Loved the new pictures of the kids:)
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