If you've never had a sticker belly, you've never truly lived. Okay, that's not really true, but sticker bellies are a good time. Zeke has discovered stickers. His favorite place to put stickers is on his belly. I put them on upside down so that when he looks down at his belly, he can see them right side up. It's really fantastic. Zeke and I went food shopping Saturday with is belly looking rather decked out in stickers. I bet all the other shoppers were jealous of Zeke and his sticker belly.
Today, I took Zeke and Deacon to the doctor's for check-ups and well baby appointments and the like. I won't go into the time we spent there because I just might hurt someone. I will say that I seriously dislike that place and it's days like today that make me some
what excited to be leaving here. Not that I think the clinic will be better anywhere else, it is the military after all, but I think ANYTHING has to better than this. Anyhoo. Deacon weighed in at 22 1/2 pounds, and was measured at 30 1/4 inches. That puts him in the 50% range for weight, then the 75% range for his height. We met the "new" doctor (he's actually been here since 2005, but he deployed right away so he's only been working the clinic since after Zeke and Deacon's last appointments in January). He was very nice, and we had a pleasant time with him. Deacon also got his shots and a finger prick to test his blood for anemia (it's routine for all one year olds). He didn't like those last two things at all.

Zeke, on the other hand weighed in, I think, at 30 1/4 pounds, but I don't really know, nor do I have any idea about his height because we left before he was seen by the doctor, and it's the doctor who gives you the height/weight stat sheet when (s)he sees you. That's right. We left. But I don't want to go into it, so we'll leave it at my quick glimpse of the scale said about 30 1/4 pounds (a little over 50% range), and I was too busy wrangling Deacon away from the other scale to glimpse Zeke's height.
Maybe you noticed in Deacon's picture that nice shiner he's got going on. Poor baby nailed himself right under the eye with a pasta pot yesterday (they use it to play with - it usually houses all the animals). It actually looks fine today. Just a little cut under his eye, no bruising or anything. I think Josh is a little disappointed. Being one has been pretty rough on the kid already. If he keeps this up, it's going to be a loooong year.
And, befor
e I go, one last story about Zeke now that just made me laugh. We were having dinner the other night, and Zeke has started getting really good at using open cups on his own. We only use them at meals though so he's not walking around all willy-nilly with a cup of water spilling all over the place behind him. So, he's sitting there, and he put his cup down after a good, long drink, and went to get some food to put in his mouth when he accidentally knocked over his cup and spilled his water all over the table. As soon as the water poured out, Zeke looked at the mess and said, "Aww, man!" I wonder where he got from? Certainly wasn't me (cough, cough).

1 comment:
Sounds like the clinic was its usual slice of awesome for you. You won't have to deal with them much longer, thank goodness.
Sweet shiner, DD! Nicely done.
Well, Sam screamed all night, first time for us to have that particular experience. Yippee! I'm off to nap now...
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