03 December 2009

I Sure Showed Him!

Okay. So Monday evening, Josh gets home from work and starts a conversation about how our driveway is one big sheet of ice. He was saying how when he went out that morning, he took one step on the driveway and slid straight down to the bottom. Knowing that I had to go out the next morning, and knowing my limited snow/ice driving experience, I asked if he would salt the driveway or something.

He said, and I quote, "I could, but that would wind up causing more problems in the spring than it would fix now." Can you see where I'm going with this?

Yep. As I ever so slowly worked my way out of the garage Tuesday morning on our way to PWOC, the car started sliding on the ice, and refused to stop until it landed in one of the snow banks Josh had made at the end of the driveway. Sigh. And of course, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not get the car out of the bank. Maybe if I wasn't so stressed out and frustrated (man those kids really turn it on when we're trying to get out of the house!) I could have set the car free. Instead, I got out, got Deacon out and into the garage (with much slipping), got Zeke out and into the garage (again with much slipping).

I got us all in the house, with much protesting from Zeke. Poor kid just wanted to go out and do something that didn't involve being in the house, and here he was, back in the house just five minutes after finally leaving it. Deacon, on the other hand, found his blankie and immediately curled up in the middle of the living room floor. I guess he needed a nap more than he needed to go play with other kids. But I got us in, called Josh at work, and with quite a bit of um, attitude, let's say, informed him of what had just happened. I did apologize for the attitude when I was done venting, but I couldn't help but feel like it all could have been avoided if he had just done what I asked the night before.

Anyhoo...after I got off the phone with Josh I put Deacon in bed. As I came out of his room, Zeke was standing there all ready to go to bed as well. Sweet! So I put him down too, and called Linda to tell her all about it. She laughed. Thanks, Lin. As I was on the phone with Linda, Josh got home (in record time I might add). He came in saying, "My baby's in a ditch! I gotta get home!" And, of course, he was able to get the car out in about 30 seconds. Sigh. I say it's because the car was so much lighter without the boys and all our stuff in there that the car was able to just sail over the bank. Josh says less weight would have the opposite effect, but what does he know?

After saving the day Josh headed back to work, Linda and I got off the phone and the kids got up from their rest times. I decided the boys and I needed something to cheer us up a little to make up for not actually going anywhere that morning, so I broke out the Christmas decorations. And really, how could this not cheer anyone up?

Ah, sweet Dee Dee. Of course, this proved to be a little more stressful for me than I originally thought as the one manger set was NOT enough to keep them busy for more than two minutes, and so everything I was opening and taking care of suddenly became the most interesting thing EVER. Luckily, we don't have all that much stuff since we tossed a bunch after the last two Christmases. Just enough to last us until lunch and our "real" naptime.

When Josh got home from work that night, he said, "Do you like our house?" After assuring him that I do like our house he said, "Good. Because you're not allowed to leave it ever again. I don't like having to worry about you being on the roads." He's so sweet and caring...in his own sarcastic way.


Niki said...

Hahahahha!!! I'm glad you're all safe and managed to fight the ice back inside. I had to laugh at this story! And I love Josh's comment at the end....sorry you're now on house arrest until the summer! :-) Men!!!

Ells said...

I agree with Niki! So funny what Josh said... and I hope that you're able to get out some and socialize - must stink feeling trapped by that sheet of ice and the treacherous roads!

Gramma V. said...

Poor, Beth! I'm sure I'd have lots of attitude, too! I truly hope trips out get to be easier with practice.

Aunt Awesome said...

My favorite part was when you sang "Hail the Conqu'ring Hero" to him as he came in the door. :) You guys are fun. And I'm always glad to laugh at/with you! ;D


Brian said...

Ummm, did Josh say anything about someone picking you up to go out places? Maybe some seasoned Alaskan driver could help out in this situation.

summer said...

funny funny....I'm so glad you share the tough times too, b/c I have been there more than once where it's exhausting and stressful to get the boys out the door or to get out Christmas decorations! Luckily, I think the kids just remember the fun part and after some time I think we do too!