If you can believe it, my sweet boy, Zeke, turned 4 yesterday, and what a birthday he had. Not that we were really planning on going with any sort of theme, but one sort of popped up. For Christmas, Josh's mom gave me a cupcake pan that makes cupcakes in the shape of dinosaurs. It is really pretty cool. So, we had dinosaur shaped cupcakes, along with regular cupcakes (only because I didn't want to fill and bake with the dino pan 4 or so times until all the cake batter was used up), and Josh picked up dinosaur wrapping paper for me to wrap Zeke's gifts with. And that's pretty much the end of the theme. But it was fun.

The day started like any other Sunday in that they got up, regular morning routine, church, lunch, naps and the like. After naptime, though, was when the "festivites" began. I had invited the teen across the street, JJ, to come over for cupcakes since the boys just LOVE when he's here. JJ showed up before the boys got up from their naps, so that was a fun surprise for Zeke right off the bat. We put out the cupcakes while the boys played, then sang "Happy Birthday" to Zeke and ate the cupcakes. Zeke ate two. One regular, one dinosaur. We were glad JJ showed up early (I had originally said 5:30/6:00 thinking after dinner would be a good time for cupcakes) because it took a few hours for the sugar to run its course through the boys' bodies. Josh claims that Deacon was actually vibrating at one point from the sugar high.

After cupcakes, Zeke opened his presents from us (a couple of collared shirts for church, a new puzzle that he has already mastered, and a some new Thomas tracks to add to the set). After everything was unwrapped and the opened, it was play time! So all the boys played (and watched some bittball, of course) while I made Zeke's "special" birthday dinner of hot dogs, macaroni & cheese, and pickles. Yes, he's got quite the sophisticated sense of taste. Only the finer things our Z-man.

After dinner, JJ went back home and we put on "Cars" for the boys since it's Zeke's current favorite (I think this was the 3rd or 4th time since Christmas that we've watched it now). Then it was into jammies and off to bed where they spent the next hour and a half or so burning off the rest of the sugar. However, unlike most nights when they stay up too late, the did not wake up at their normal time. I went in at 8 this morning and they were just starting to wake up. I guess this means I don't give them enough sugar during the day if two cupcakes is enough to send them into
super-hyper-drive (they're always in hyper-drive) for at least 4 hours, then land them in a sugar induced coma that lasts for about 11 hours? What can I say, they're sweet enough as it is.
Happy birthday Ezekiel. You are a wonderful boy, and we love you.
Happy Birthday Zeke!!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Zeke! Those dino cupcakes look tasty!
Aunt Awesome
Happy Birthday Zeke! Wow - four years old - you are growing so fast. I'm glad your day was so fun.
Happy birthday Zeke!!!
I can't believe all these little people are turning 4!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZEKE!!! wow getting so big so fast :o)
Our birthday present should fit right in with your theme. Now i can't wait to send it!
Grandpa W.
Looks like you all had a fun day. YAY for dinosaurs.
I scrolled up from the previous post, and (before reading the bday story) thought he was chewing on a chicken wing in that second picture!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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