OR, Why I Should NEVER Be A Geography Teacher by Me
In an attempt at helping Zeke understand a little better about where Daddy is and why he's not home, I made a map showing where we were, the states Daddy was driving through, and where Daddy is headed for...

As you can see, not only did Canada wind up looking like one giant rectangle (I modified the one edge a little), but I completely forgot that Alaska is actually attached to Canada. I mean, doesn't everyone know that Alaska is actually an island way out there by itself? At least the boys are only 3 and 1, so they don't know any better yet. I also printed a picture of me and the boys to put in Oklahoma since, you know, that's where we still are...

Sorry it's blurry. I couldn't get the camera to find something to focus on since it's really just a picture of a piece of paper. But there we are. And here is Josh, in his car, getting ready to get on the boat, which is getting ready to head across that vast amount of ocean between Washington state (which I almost left off entirely when I first started, as well as Oregon) and Alaska...

I had a lot of fun making it though, and it seems to be helping. Zeke hasn't really asked for Josh since I put it up and explained it all to him. On another note in the same tune, I woke up this morning with the song "If I Had a Boat" by Lyle Lovett, as covered by Dave Matthews, in my head. I started laughing as I thought about the words to the chorus and how, by switching some words, I was able to apply it to Josh. These are the original words, with the "more applicable" words in brackets after the correct words...
If I had a boat
I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony [car]
I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together
Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony [car] on my boat
This conjured all sorts of funny images in my mind as I thought about it. Josh on a pony. Josh on a pony on a boat. The little pictures I would draw to illustrate this song back when I was in college. You know. But, Josh's boat leaves with the evening tide tonight and I guess I won't hear from him until he lands in Juneau, AK on Monday. If you think of it, please pray for him this long weekend, for his safety and that things would be uneventful and smooth the rest of his journey. I appreciate it. I'm sure he does too. And now, I'm going to go. Enjoy your weekend!
Sweet map! I like what you did with the pictures; that was a nice touch. What a great idea!
Plus, what do you mean, Alaska's not an island?
I like your map, too. :)
We would LOVE to have you stay in that guest room sometime!
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