So, yesterday was Zeke's third birthday, and we had a great day here. As usual, I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. After his morning "rest time" he opened his gifts from my families. This is the face he made upon opening all of his gifts...

This is the face Deacon made all morning as Zeke opened his gifts and refused to share his new toys (which, since it was his bday, we didn't make him share either)...
SO, Deacon and Mommy took a little trip to Wal-Mart to get him out of the house and away from Zeke's new toys.
After their afternoon naps, Joni and Sammie came over to play outside for a little bit since it was 75 degrees and sunny here...
Uh-oh Zeke! Looks like your lady is making moves on your brother. That, or she's trying to get at Deacon's snacks. You know, whichever.
After Joni and Sammie left, we had one of Zeke's favorite dinners, chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. I believe that is the same menu as last year, but what can I say, the kid loves it and it's one of the few things he'll actually sit at the table and eat these days. After dinner, the Starling family came over for cake and ice cream.
For Christmas, Josh's mom got me the most awesome cake pan. I used it for Zeke's birthday cake. I think it came out pretty well, if I do say so myself, and Josh and I had a blast decorating it. Here's the front half (the whole thing and all the other pictures will be up on Flickr soon)...
That's right, it's a train! With individual cars! How stinkin' cute is that?!? It was loved by all and tasted super good. As we sang to him, Zeke picked off the M&M tires on the one car. Classic.
And, just in case you were wondering how all that sugar affects 2 and 3 year olds, here are some videos of the "aftermath" if you will...
All in all, a great day for a great boy.
What a big kid you've got Beth! I can't believe how time flies... how cliche... I know.
Counting down the days until we get to see you... 16 more to go!
Happy Birthday little man!! We miss you guys so much!!
Happy Birthday Zeke!!
Oh Zeke, happy birthday, man! I can't believe you are so big! It seems like just yesterday your parents were telling me that you were on the way. You are beautiful and definitely a sugar maniac. I am so sorry I was not there to feed you oreos before dinner. Because, you know, it looked like you didn't get enough sugar already. You are terrific, little man! Keep up the good stuff.
Beth, that cake looks great! I need to get Mom to get me one of those for Sam. And that harmonica video is priceless! Sammie and Zeke--great team!
PS~ Deacon-doodle, I'm sorry it was such a bad day. Yours is coming, don't worry. Poor boy, I'm sending you a hug and a kiss and a secret oreo. Don't tell Mommy and Daddy, okay? Our secret.
Aunt Super Aweseome Pants McGee
awww happy birthday zeke :o) yay the big 3. someone else's b-day is coming up too. Love the cake sure cute :o)
awww. SO cute! I love the faces comparison pictures, and the videos of all that energy!
My husband loved the photos too!!!! He laughed SO hard when he saw Deacon's disappointed face. :)
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