You guys, Deacon turned 8! As per usual now, we celebrated his birthday in two waves.
Wave One was the family (and friend) party. We had everyone over to the house for burgers and dogs, cake and ice pops, presents and hanging out. This year Deacon invited a school friend, Sean, to come over as well.
We had a really great time, and were so happy to have spent the day with loved ones.
Wave Two was on his actual birthday. This year, we switched it up a bit and went mini-golfing!
After a grueling game of golf, we got some McDonalds for dinner, which we ate at home while I made Deacon's special birthday treat - cinnamon buns!
He opened his presents from us that morning, and was pretty well pleased (if his face is to be believed).
When I took Deacon to his yearly check up he weighed in at 61.6 pounds (69%) and measured in at 52 inches (75%). The doctor was impressed to see that Deacon had grown a full 3 inches this past year! They're all getting too big. Is there no way to stop this?!
Deacon is such a fun kid. Josh and I were discussing recently how much Deacon's personality is like Josh's. They both always think they're right and will make sure you agree with them in that. They both will call you out if you make any sort of mistake. They are both day dreamers who prefer to spend time by themselves. They're both artistic people who love to build and are really rather hilarious. It's been so much fun watching this boy grow up, and I'm really looking forward to seeing just what he'll do/say/be next.
I love you, Deacon! Happy Birthday!