11 July 2012

It Was a Good Day

Three Saturdays ago, we had a good day.  Not that every day isn't a good day, but 3 Saturdays ago was a very good, fun day for our boys (all 4 of them).  The day started with some time in our little pool.  Well, the day started like normal, but after nap time we started the afternoon in our little pool:

While the boys swam and such, we grilled some dinner.  The boys got out of the pool and we then ate some dinner.  From there, we set up the tent.  Josh had promised the boys awhile back that if there was a nice night on a weekend he was home he'd set up the tent so he and the 2 big boys could "go camping".  As you can see in the background of this picture, we also built a "camp fire".

Once the tent was set up, and the fire was definitely going strong, we broke out the marshmallows and set to roasting them.  As you can see in the second picture, Finn really enjoyed the "special" treat.

After marshmallow roasting, it was time to go in and get pajamas on.  Finn and I then hung out inside watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, while the 3 big boys went outside for their "camping trip".

Josh said the boys didn't sleep great, since there was a lot of noise from our neighbor's air conditioning units (I had turned ours off in an attempt to help).  Plus there was the overall excitement of sleeping outside in the tent.  Josh didn't actually sleep in the tent like the picture shows, he slept on his mat outside the tent.  But they all had a lot of fun and it really was a very good day.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That looks like so much fun! Asher has been begging his daddy for a camp out in the backyard.