18 July 2009

Well, That Was...Efficient

I took Deacon to his 24 month well-baby exam Thursday. It was...interesting. Apparently, they set aside this one hour or so every week, maybe, for this exact purpose. So, at 8:45 when the appointment was for, a soldier comes out from the back and starts "The Briefing". She started by directing us all to strip our 24 monthers down to their diapers while she briefed us, then went on to say things like, "No more bottles, only this much milk, only this juice, wait for them to be ready to potty train, I'm not going to tell you how to discipline your kids but..." and so on. As soon as she was finished, she went back behind the doors and then all these other ladies came out and started calling kids names like rapid fire. We were ushered back, Deacon was weighed (just over 28lbs) and measured (just under 35") as I answered questions, he was given a free book (very cool), then we were sent to another room to wait for the first available doctor as another child was entering the room we left to have his measurements taken. The doctor then came in, looked him over for about five minutes and pronounced us good to go. And just like that, we were done. Very efficient.

All the while, and this is very cool, Zeke was in "Teddy's Watch". Teddy's Watch is a child care facility IN the hospital. IN THE HOSPITAL. So, if I ever have an appointment for myself, or whenever I need to make one for either boy, I can set up an appointment for the boys with Teddy Watch, and they can hang out there, for free, while other things are taken care of. It's really fabulous.

In other quick new, I FINALLY got my Alaska driver's license yesterday. I know, right. I was there a whole 3 months ago failing the test, and it took me until yesterday to get back and get it done. But it's done. And now, so's this post.


Anonymous said...

How great about the free daycare! Military are spoiled rotten and don't even realize it:)

Why did you have to get a new license?

Ells said...

Free childcare at the hospital! Someone is a genius up there...

Embrace the Circus said...

That is the craziest (but obviously most efficient) check-up system I've ever heard of!

We had free childcare at Tripler AMC in Hawaii, too, but it was only two mornings a week. I'll tell you, when Jim was deployed and I was pregnant, I tried to make every single appointment for one of those mornings!

summer said...

That's awesome! and was not the case at all in Germany as I recall. There were signs plastered all over don't bring your kids if they are not sick!

Hey I thought you were gonna post a picture of your belly too! You tricked me! Do you have any future plans? May I inquire?