02 November 2011

A "Marvel"-ous Halloween

What a day Halloween was here. Our day started like a usual Monday with some food shopping, but it was extra...let's say...exciting because Zeke was with us as his school was closed due to the storm we had rage through on Saturday.

After food shopping, we had a special event. Josh got promoted to Major! That's right, now he's a Major Pain In My Butt!! OH! I've been waiting for quite awhile to use that joke. All joking aside though, I am very proud of him and all that he's done.

Since Zeke's school was cancelled and since Finn was going to be there anyway, I made Deacon come too so all of us were there, including my mom who came up for the promotion ceremony. After the ceremony was over, I brought Deacon to school while everyone else enjoyed the food I brought.

Speaking of the food, as I was getting out of bed Monday morning, around 7:30am, Josh said to me, "Do you think we should have some sort of food at this thing today?" Umm...YES! So I frantically ran around that morning getting things together (also making food shopping "exciting"). But it all came together well, and we had a great time. Especially since Ironman and Spider-man were there!

This happened because Deacon had to wear his costume to school, which meant Zeke wanted to wear his costume. And since both boys decided to wear their costumes, Zeke insisted that Finn wear his too. So, we had a sweet little tiger in attendance too:

I think the tail was my favorite part of the whole thing:

After I got Ironman and the Tiger home from the promotion ceremony I put them down for naps as I was exhausted. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was exhausted...sweet super hero.

After naps a bunch of kids from the neighborhood(s) came to our street and there was a little costume parade. It was sweet, and a good number of kids showed up considering the snow and everything.

After the parade, Josh left for another trip (this time to Virginia), and then it was dinner and all that kind of thing, until trick-or-treating "officially" started at 6pm. We did our street with our friend Thomas, and his mom, Kris (also Thomas' brother Christopher and his friend Tay).

After we did our street, the kids didn't really have much loot (as only 5 houses were home) so Kris, because she's wonderful, took the bigger boys to another part of base to do more trick-or-treating while I went home with Finn to be warm and hand out candy. About an hour later the boys came home, I got rid of the rest of the candy and we went to bed a little late, but very, very happy.


Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad that the boys got to have some Halloween! When did (or do you have) get power back? I love the Superheros, but the tiger is the cutest. Thanks for the wonderful birthday -cake, ice-cream and snow! I love you all.

Michelle said...

I am laughing that they wore their costumes to Josh's promotion....what a way to steal the spotlight! What do you put in Zeke's water to get him to nap? I need some!