After reading this post, PLEASE do not call Child Services on me. I promise you, I LOVE my boys. These were accidents. Maybe they could have been avoided, but they were accidents. I would never intentionally bruise my children's foreheads like this. That being said, here's why I deserve the title "Mother of the Year" (or not).
SO, yesterday, Joni and Sammie had a playdate with a new mom in the neighborhood at this great outdoor park, and invited the boys and me along. This park was great. It was like a giant wooden castle with different levels of pathways and slides and bridges and stuff. Lots of fun. So, we were there for probably an hour when I decided it was time to go (it was lunchtime, they NEEDED naps, etc).
Right around my deciding this was when a few other kids showed up and started climbing up to the higher parts, Zeke following along, so excited to explore parts of this thing he didn't realize he could get to. Awesome. Now, I didn't mind him going up there. If Josh had been with me to help with the boys, I would have taken him up there myself. I just didn't like him going up there when I wanted to leave. So, Joni said she'd keep an eye on Deacon so I could work on getting Zeke back down. Which is quite difficult when he doesn't want to come down, I might add. Finally, he comes running past me, in a place I can reach him at. So I reach out to grab his shirt (this way I could pull him back so he'd land on his bottom, all cushy with diaper), and I miss, as he is way faster than I usually give him credit for, and I grabbed his foot, making him fall forwards instead of the intended backwards, and he bounced his head off of a step, started crying, and Joni said, "Well, that's one way to get him down." Yes, yes it is. He was fine in a matter of seconds, but he has a nice little bruise to help remember that day by. And in case you've never really tried, it's not that easy to get a good picture of a bruise.

Now for the bruise on Deacon's forehead. This one happened a few days ago, so his bruise has already gone through the dark purple phase and is headed toward the
yellow-green phase. I know you know what I'm talking about. So, the other day we were playing in Zeke's room. We were reading, wrestling, playing in the closet, rolling around the floor. All fun stuff. At one point, the particular point I'm talking about, I threw Deacon's blanket over his head, fully expecting him to pull it off his head, as he usually does, and laugh, and hand it back to me to do it again. What I did NOT expect was what happened next. Instead of taking the blanket off his head, Deacon instead stood up, and proceeded to walk around the room. Since he couldn't see where he was going and since I was too busy laughing at him for being a silly boy, neither of us could stop him before he ran head first into the window ledge. Oh, there were tears and I felt terrible for not taking the blanket off sooner, and then we called it quits for playtime in Zeke's room and had some lunch. Beacause if there's one thing that will always make Deacon feel better, it's food.

But in happier news, I took the boys to get the first round of flu shots yesterday and Zeke weighed in at 34 1/2 pounds, which puts him around the 75% range, and is 37 inches tall, which is about the 50% range. Deacon weighs 24 (almost 25) pounds, which is just under 50% (I find that so hard to believe, this kid is HEAVY) and he is 32 inches tall, and that puts him at about the 75% range. And there you have it. The doctor here seems very nice, I'm glad I chose him. And they both did really well, crying with the initial prick, but stopping almost immediately after. Just think, we get to do it all again next month for the second dose! Then again the following month for their 3 year and 18 month check-ups! Yee-haw!
Nah, you're golden.... I was cooking a couple of weeks ago, and Lil was doing her "hold me" thing, so I had her in the carrier. I know, I know... a BIG no-no. I let go of her hand at one point and she reached out and touched the pan. Got a blister on the pad of her middle finger. Oops.
I'm not dismissing your angst, just saying, you are not terrible and you are not alone.
I still love you.
Oh, is it terrible that I'm laughing even as I'm going "ooooh...." Maybe I could run alongside you as "Aunt of the Year." I'm sure many of these moments lay ahead of me and Sam!
Don't worry... here in Lawton, you have to have much bigger booboos than that for CPS to even bat an eyelash. heh. Glad you like your doctor. I don't really like my son's dr.
what do you expect you're the mother of boys there are going to be lots more where that came from!
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