It was kind of a big week here in Walterland. Big enough that it deserves three separate posts. However, I'm going to do a "two-in-one" thing today and I'll post the other one on Monday or so. So, without further adieu, "The Happy Post".
Happy Birthday Honey Bear!
Josh's birthday was Wednesday. In honor of his turning 28, I was going to make a list of the 28 reasons why I love him. But then I decided that 28 wasn't enough as well as too many (not enough to cover it all, too many to sit down and write out). So, here are a few of the many reasons I love this man.
*He loves God.
*He loves me. :)
*He loves our boys.
*He can eat two pounds of lasagna in a single sitting (and not gain any weight from it!)
*He makes up fantastic songs about just about anything in just about any genre (such as rock operas about math; country tunes about dinosaurs fighting jungle cats; poppy little tunes about Bernoulli's principle of laminar flow; etc)
*He can think of a million fun things to do with the kids that I would never in a million years think of.
*He gives his best in EVERYTHING he does - even things he claims he doesn't care that much about.
*He makes me feel safe.
*He makes me feel like together, and with God's help, we can do anything we want.
*He has taken me all over the world to places I never dreamed I'd be able to see (after getting married anyways).
*He thinks fettuccini is the sauce named after the cheese that's used in it (as in feta - feta cheese - fetaccini) and that alfredo is the way the pasta is cooked (as in al dente - alfredo).
And about a kagillion more things.
I love you Josh, and I look forward to spending this 29th year of your life (and many, many more years) with you.
Oh, and to celebrate on his special day, Josh had to work late and didn't get home until 5:45. I made chicken parmigiana and linguini, we gave the boys a bath, put them in bed, then ate brownies (he's not a cake guys) while we watched "House" and "Chuck". Nice and simple, just how we like it here. Happy Birthday Honey Bear!

Happy Halloween!

After dinner and getting them dressed, we walked over to the Starling's house to take some pictures of the three kids and to trick-or-treat at a few of the houses right here. As we were walking down th
e street, one of the neighbor kids (they're all about 11) pointed at Deacon and said, "Aww! Isn't he cute?! He's dressed up like Superman!" Zeke was uber excited to be at "Hammie's" house and the three of them ran around and had a great time.

We then trick-or-treated at a few of the neighbor's houses (most of them weren't home though). The second house we got candy at, Zeke tried to give them the candy he had gotten the from the first house. It was cute. Then we headed home and handed out candy - which Zeke LOVED helping with - and had baths and all that fun stuff. All in all, a rather fun Halloween.
Every parent would like their kids to turn out better than themselves. In the case of Josh, it worked out. He is better than me. But, I think you already know that!
Happy Birthday Josh,
Love Dad.
Do you know if Josh ever got my happy birthday voicemail? You made some good points about the reasons why you love Josh. Some of them are the same reasons why I like him too. And the picture at the end was the icing on the cake :) (pun somewhat intended altho he doesnt like cake).
The boys looked adorable in their costumes/pjs. I thought Zeke wore superman? Anyhoo, (I stole that word from you lol) sounds like you had a great Halloween.
Glad your all doing well.
Love, Kirsten
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