My dear friend, Marie, posed the question, "Where do you blog from?" on her blog, to all of her friends. Well Marie (and everyone else reading this blog), here is where I blog from...

A little "desk" from Wal-mart. A roller chair that doesn't roll so well on rug that Josh got for me while we were in Germany (it did roll fantastically on those hard floors). Next to my little computer area is a book shelf littered with papers and binders and my current knitting project. You will also see, on the other side, Josh's guitar. This makes a fabulous foot rest. And it's centrally located in the living room with the TV and the couches and the toys. But it faces away from the TV, so I can't watch a movie and be on the computer at the same time, which is probably a good thing, because then I miss out on a lot that's happening either in the movie, or on whatever I'm doing online.
As for what I should be doing when I blog, that would be nothing. Usually, I sit down to do this after I put the boys down for their afternoon nap. So, there are no distractions, no kids running around who should be supervised, nothing but quiet. Or my music. Currently I've been switching back and forth between Elton John and Phil Wickham. I know, I know. They are pretty different guys. But I like them both. And Rusted Root. Been jamming to Rusted Root a bit lately too. Although, that is usually when I'm food shopping. Which has nothing to do with where I blog. So I guess this means I'm done with this post. Now, like Marie, I pose the question to all of you...Where do you blog from?
I blog from the BatCave. Duh.
Yay! I just like getting more of a peek into peoples' lives. I guess I'm nosy. Have a great weekend!
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