However, I have realized recently that I don't stop what I'm doing to pray. Say, for example, I'm brushing my hair after my shower and getting ready for the day and someone I haven't seen since high school pops into my head. I usually think, "Hmm. How weird that I would think of that person after so much time has gone by, I wonder how they're doing?" Then I will pray a little something for them along the lines of, "Lord, I have no idea why Soandso popped into my head right now. I have no idea what they are doing with their lives. I lift them up to you now, Lord. I pray for them, their loved ones, and I pray that you would draw them closer to You at this time in their lives. Amen." All the while, I'm still brushing my hair, or I've moved on to applying the deodorant, or I'm driving, or having a little conversation with Zeke.
So, now I'm wondering, does it count? Does it really count as praying for them? Does God take my little prayer seriously even though I'm talking to Him and to Zeke at the same time? Can it really be considered praying if I'm saying this in my head, while forming a list of things I need to get done that day, while getting dressed, while eating a snack, while texting a message to Josh? I mean, if someone was going to talk to me and ask me for my help or to look after someone for them, I would probably like their undivided attention. But then, I think, is that limiting God? I mean, if God can listen to every single prayer that is prayed all day long, then why would I think He couldn't pull the prayer out of my head and my heart admist all the other stuff that's going on in there?
I mean the prayer. There is nothing but sincerity in my heart towards that person and that prayer when I'm praying it, even if I'm in the middle of something else. So, should I stop what I'm doing and pray, even if it means pulling over to the side of the road, or kneeling by my bed half dressed with knotty hair, or walking away from Zeke to get a quick ten seconds of "quiet time"? I don't know. Which is why this post probably feels like a bunch of rambling. I just go around and around with it in my head, but to not go around and around with it in this post, I'm going to end it here. Somewhat abruptly, probably. But I'd like to know, what do you think?
God knows what you are going to pray before you pray it. He knows what you are going to ask for or thank Him for before you do it. He also knows whether or not He will answer your prayer before the prayer even dawns on you.
It's very possible that the people of whom you randomly think about are in need of your prayer, and that's God's way of randomly putting them in your thoughts when you least expect them. So, if you are thinking of that person, and you do pray for them, I'm sure God has already made up His mind about the situation before you even have.
Also, our prayers in which we stumble over our words and thoughts (the ones that come directly from the heart) are the ones God appreciates most (would you prefer your husband buy you flowers because he HAS TO or because he loves you and the flowers are coming from his heart?).
So, rather than taking a few short seconds out of your day to kneel and pray to God at these random times, it's perfectly normal, natural, and acceptable to multi-task as you pray to Him (especially if you admit they sincerely have the best intentions). There are many times during my day when I thank and pray to God about simple, random things too (finding the perfect parking spot, learning one of my classes was cancelled, waking up early to find out I have at least another hour to sleep), and I'm sure God takes those small, quick prayers into as much consideration as he does the long, deep prayers that require intense concentration and faith.
A woman of faith, such as yourself, who continuously keeps God on her mind and prays for these people the way you do is, at least in my eyes (if that matters at all), right with God. So, as long as you keep on doing what you're doing, it doesn't matter how you do it.
God Bless,
Shawn Rembecky
(Kirsten's boyfriend)
Mind you, I am no expert. But I say yes.
I'd like to think that the open dialog I have with God all day in my head is prayful too... even if it is unstructured.
After all, we mulitask all the time. You're still watching the boys when we talk on the phone... I'm cool with it when you need to take a second to police over there. And of course, God is way cooler than me. ;) He gets it when you have to drive or Zeke needs you at the same time you are praying.
I want to write something about an everyday comfort level when you are with someone you love, but I can't form the thought completely. Not that that means that we don't need solid, focused one-on-one kind of prayer with God too. But I don't think the one diminishes the other.
I sometimes do the same thing as in praying and thinking of other things. I'll start praying, my mind will drift to something else, and I'm like,"Oh wait, I was praying" then I continue with my prayer. I know God listens to any type of prayer (When we did group prayers after morning devotions at PBBC I remember one girl telling another girl to speak up because she prayed quietly and another girl said she can whisper... God will still hear her even though we couldn't really). I sometimes feel guilty when I get distracted and don't put 100% effort into the prayer but I think the fact that I do take some time to pray and I do mean it (even though I'll get distrated), God appreciates that. I think it's amazing you'd take the short time to pray as you're doing something else because there are a lot of people I'm sure that would think,"I'm busy right now I'll pray later" You have the discipline to pray as soon as you think of the person. I think that's great. Another part of me thinks you should pray whole-heartedly to God (no distractions) but I also think as long as you do it that's good. Matt. 6:6 says,"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." However, 1 Corinthians 14:15 says, "So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind." I'm kinda torn so not much help, sorry. Just thought I'd let you know what I think.Love you!
I'm thinking of the verse - pray without ceasing. If we stopped everything to pray continually we'd be no good to anyone.
Sounds to me like the Holy Spirit is alive and working in you. Enjoy that natural communion with God.
That being said, don't neglect the quiet uninterrupted cup of coffee with your Friend. That's important too!
Love you Beth!
No it doesn't count
Nice, Evan.
Yes, it counts because God's grace is always greater than the law. Law tells us that we must follow a set of rules or else we don't measure up, it doesn't count. Grace says that Christ accounted for every human failing we might ever have. So even if there is possibly some failing in multitasking a small prayer, it's covered.
The better thing to wonder about is whether multi-tasked prayer is the extent of your prayer life. I know you, so I know it's not. If it was, then I'd say there was a heart attitude there that needed to be changed. As it is, you are a godly woman, striving to serve those around you while constantly communicating with the God you love. It's like a text to God. And I like to think He perks up and pokes the angel next to him, saying "Hey, my daughter just called me! She's the coolest. This is exactly why I died; so she could reach me any time, anywhere, for anything."
And if none of that makes sense, consider this: I pray for Jeff when he's in the middle of an emergency, when I have to physically hold him and carry him. I'm definitely multi-tasking, I can't stop to pray when he's on the verge of not breathing, or when he's falling down, or when he's got no idea who he is and he could kill himself on any small thing. I have to pray while I take care of him. And I think God hears those prayers and respects them as much as He hears and respects the prayers I pray when it's all over and I *can* stop and just focus on God.
I do this all the time myself, and sometimes you are the one I am praying for.
I think its called "being transparent."(No pun intended)
I encourage you to be transparent with God. Since, as previously mentioned in other comments, He knows you very well anyway...
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