Select the sixth picture
Tell the story behind the picture

This is a picture I took in Heidelberg, Germany when Josh and I visited one day while I was pregnant with Zeke. It is a picture of an Asian tour group, walking around with their big umbrellas. I have to say that I heart Asian tour groups. I hope no one thinks I am making fun of them, because I'm not. I think they are great, and it makes me truly happy every time I am out and I see one (unless they are getting in my way or slowing down my process, but that could be said about any tour group regardless of where they're from). The reason it's orange, is because I did this little personal art project where I played with the tints and shades and then made it all one color. I actually have this same picture in several other colors. I even printed them out in different sizes and put them into a frame. It is actually pretty sharp.
So, there you have it. What's the sixth picture in the sixth photo folder on your computer?
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