Well, maybe I can believe it. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? A few weeks ago I started attending the local chapter of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) with Joni. Today was a MOPS day and we were all supposed to bake and bring in 2 dozen of our favorite cookies, or holiday cookies, for a cookie swap. We all got to grab up some of each others cookies and now we all have tons of cookies in all different varieties.
I decided to go with a cookie recipe that Kirsten had given to me a few months ago. I made them for a picnic two months ago, and they came out pretty well, and they were kind of different, so I figured I would make them again for today. They are called Jam Thumbprint Cookies and look something like this...

Yum! So I bring in my cookies, and I enter them into the contest. The cookies were judged and three winners were picked: Tastiest, Most Original, and Most Holiday Themed (or something like that). And wouldn't you know it, MINE won for Tastiest! I couldn't believe it. I mean, they are tasty cookies, no doubt, but I thougth for sure someone else's should have tasted better.
Then I saw that the prize was a candle, and I wasn't so surprised anymore. You see, I have a fair amount of candles in my house - too many if you ask Josh. And I've stopped buying them because I have so many. Now, I don't enter too many raffles or contests or whatsit, as there aren't many for me to enter (at coffee's there would be one, or at PWOC on occasion), and I don't usually win. Which is fine. I usually just give my dollar or whatever to help out whatever cause they're raising money for, or if it's a game prize, I play for the fun of playing. HOWEVER, if the prize is a candle, you DO NOT want to play/enter/go up against me because I will bring you down. For whatever unexplicable reason, I just cannot seem to lose when it comes to winning candles. Or coffee mugs. But those aren't as sure of a thing as candles. (You can see the candle in the picture of the cookies.)
Now I just can't wait until Josh gets home so I can tell him that, not only did my cookies win Tastiest, but, BUT I won a candle! He is going to be SO thrilled.
Congrats, that's awesome! You're welcome for the recipe :) That's so funny how you only win candles (and mugs occasionally). What fruit filling did you use on the cookies?
Mmmmmm...could you send some of your award-winning cookies to NJ?
That's great - I just joined MOPS too and LOVE it! Wish we had had it while in Germany although our knitting group was a great substitute:)
Congratulations! You know my husband always loves your cookies - you have a flair for tasty baking!
I thought you were on candle probation? No more candles in the house until 2012? Wait until the Sheriff finds out you violeted parole! (And by Sheriff, I mean Josh.)
PS~ Can I have that recipe? We're oatmeal-cookie'd out over here.
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