HOWEVER. I took the boys to the doctor's Monday for their flu shots and as he was checking Zeke, the dr. said, "Now, you don't want to worry about potty training boys this young. If you push them before they're ready, they're going to have a lot more accidents then boys who are older and more ready for it." Basically, he told me to wait until Zeke walks up to me and says, "Mother, I am fully ready to be out of diapers and using a toilet like you and Father do. Please help me with this process." Or something along those lines.
So, now I don't know what to do. Do I try it this weekend and see how it goes? Do I wait until Zeke literally tells me he wants to use the potty? Who knows how long that could take. Granted, he is picking up the vocabulary necessary, but he could be four years old before we get to that point. Do I just wait until he's 3, which really means we'll wait until we get to Alaska, because really, what's the point in trying before then when that move and all that's going to come with it will just throw him off and he'll probably spend about a month in diapers again anyways?
Since I'm at a loss, I'm going to leave it up to you again.
I didn't really like my voting options, so here's my two cents... Just try it. You are not going to hurt anything by trying. And you never know... he (they) might catch on really quick, then you could stop worrying about buying/bringing diapers with you everywhere. (But that might just be the CHEAPO in me talking.)
Also, about the doctor, the problem is, they have so much info they are supposed to be experts on. Seriously, when is the last time he probably read a study or scientific paper on potty training. A while ago... And conventional wisdom has really changed in the last 10 years. He will NOT have MORE accidents because of earlier training. That's silly.
Whee! My vote counts for 100% of all votes right now!
I say give it a try this weekend and see how it goes. If they're all freaked out, just pack those potties up and give it a whirl in Alaska. My thought is, AK is going to be COLD and even though I know you will be living in a house and not an igloo (you will be, right?) it could still be rougher than if you train them in balmy 81 degree OK. But then again, I have never trained a little bottom so what the heck do I know. I defer to the Tothster up there.
I just go in the shower, saves on TP too.
This is so hard. Daniel is over 4 and still hasn't told me he is ready to be out of diapers. But I know moms of boys who are 3 who have said that. So I just don't know.
I think you could try things out, see how they go. If you get too frustrated or the boys do, step back. Since Zeke isn't 3 yet I think you do have a lot of time :)
I am trying with both on their level. I just keep praying Daniel hits a point where he cares sometimes soon.
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