That's right. There was a little scorpion in our house. IN OUR HOUSE! I stayed calm...relatively calm anyways. But Josh looked them up on the internet and according to the internet (and we all know how reliable a source that is) the scorpions here in Oklahoma are not deadly. Getting stung by one of them is the same as getting stung by a bee or wasp. The snakes here on the other hand...
Moving along. After unloading the groceries and getting the boys up from their naps, we walked them back over to the Starling's house. Jim and Joni are awesome, and to thank us for watching Ani for two weeks while they were in California awhile back, the got us a gift certificate to Olive Garden with a night of baby-sitting included! Wahooie! So, we dropped the boys off with Joni and boogied over to the Olive Garden. We got there at 4:50 and there was already a wait. But it was worth the wait. We ate and talked and laughed and had a great time. Thank you Jim and Joni!
We picked the boys up after we got home from dinner, put them into bed, and just relaxed the rest of the evening WoWing. It really was a great day.
I shan't be visiting even if they are friendly scorpions
evan :(
Darlin' I don't want to make you nervous but scorpions normally come in pairs. Keep an eye out for the other one. Deadly or not, I'm sure you don't want to be bitten. Check your shoes before you put them on.
Whoo Olive Garden! Whoo free babysitting! Glad you could ahve a night out; that is teh awesome.
Olive Garden sounds like fun!
I am laughing as I imagine you running for your camera to document everything. But it sure makes for an entertaining blog!
what did you do with the scorpion??? and do you see snakes randomly in the backyard?
glad you had a fun date night :)
Don't you love those days? and good for you to post about it! Sounds like a great day to me.
uh scorpions yuk!
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