That's right, I picked Amanda Bynes. I think she's the cutest thing ever, and I enjoy everything I've seen her in. Okay, I did think she was a little obnoxious when she started out on "All That" but she's grown and matured, and she just cracks me up. I was reminded of this question and my choice last week when I watched "She's the Man". After the movie was over I told Josh how I picked Amanda Bynes to play me, and he asked, "Well, who would play me then?" Hmm...
I had never thought of that. So I jokingly offered the kid who played the guy she liked in the movie, and Josh did not approve. "He's too dorky" was Josh's reply. Okay then. He then suggested Eric Bana...

Umm...I love you, baby, but umm...no. I was able to veto Eric on the premise that if Amanda was playing me, the actor playing him would have to be someone closer to her in age, and Eric Bana was just a smidge too old for Amanda. Whew! HOWEVER, I then suggested "Chuck"...
And all was right and beautiful in the world. Wouldn't that just be the greatest? A movie about my life, starring Amanda Bynes as me, and Zachary Levi as Josh? As I told all of this to Linda, she had the best response (and sorry if I'm stealing your comment here, Lin). She said, "I would totally go see that. And I wouldn't go to the matinee to save a few bucks either. I'd go prime time and pay the full $10 to see that." She sure knows how to make a girl feel good.
Now, who would play you if your life was made into a movie?
i'd love to go see that movie too. i think amanda bynes would portray you well.
I bet you could write the script, too, Beth! It would be a witty, hilarious film with some kind of joyful message shining through. Or whatever! You can write what you want. :)
AND a leader who participates in the activities herself is the best kind... I bet you're a fabulous Young Life leader. :)
oh, oh, can I have Eva Mendes play me?
Perfect. I'd love to see it. Ha, Ha!
What about Doug and Carrie from King of Queens? There aren't many actors out there who have it together enough to play us. What do you think?
Your question has me completely stumped, Beth. Really, what actress could capture the chaos that is me trying to raise my little family? I'll let you know if I figure it out!
Beth you've got to go with Milla Jovovich...i recomend looking at the cover of Resident Evil, the resemblance is uncanny...for josh, maybe not an actor, but Micheal Phelps
Ohhhh great choice. I LOVE her, and she seems really sweet in real life. Did you see her in Sydney White? I thought it was pretty much the cutest movie ever.
And I stand by my comment, I would totally go see that in evening! especially if we could get the babysitter to come early and have dinner beforehand. That would be sweet!
And I think Eva Mendes would make a great Sara, too.
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