30 November 2008
I Did It!
29 November 2008
Saturday Silliness Part D
28 November 2008
Doing a Meme
Select the sixth picture
Tell the story behind the picture

This is a picture I took in Heidelberg, Germany when Josh and I visited one day while I was pregnant with Zeke. It is a picture of an Asian tour group, walking around with their big umbrellas. I have to say that I heart Asian tour groups. I hope no one thinks I am making fun of them, because I'm not. I think they are great, and it makes me truly happy every time I am out and I see one (unless they are getting in my way or slowing down my process, but that could be said about any tour group regardless of where they're from). The reason it's orange, is because I did this little personal art project where I played with the tints and shades and then made it all one color. I actually have this same picture in several other colors. I even printed them out in different sizes and put them into a frame. It is actually pretty sharp.
So, there you have it. What's the sixth picture in the sixth photo folder on your computer?
27 November 2008
A Bird of a Different Kind

26 November 2008
Another Toothy Entry

25 November 2008
I Wish We Could All See Pediatric Dentists

Spongebob on his cap, so Zeke was happy with him. Both boys did great and got all sorts of treats (toothbrushes, stickers, and toys, oh boy!). The dentist did say that Deacon may need braces when he gets older. The kid is 17 months old and has eight teeth. I think we'll hold off on making that call for a few more years.

24 November 2008
Maybe They Just Aren't Meant To Come Out
23 November 2008
22 November 2008
Saturday Silliness Part 3
I have no idea when this commercial came out. I have no idea how I ever even found it and downloaded it all those years ago. But I do know that every time I see this commercial I cannot help but laugh. I hope it makes you laugh too.
21 November 2008
Maybe It's Not the Safest Activity
But they sure do have fun doing it!
(And don't worry, Zeke's head was perfectly fine after that little bounce off of the couch.)
20 November 2008
Where Do You Blog From?

19 November 2008
Does It Count?

18 November 2008
I Can't Believe I Won!

17 November 2008
C'mon Zeke. Smile for the camera.

16 November 2008
It's Our Turn!

I also met a woman whose hubby is stationed at Ft. Richardson, Alaska, where we are heading in February, and so she and I talked for a good fifteen or so minutes. Now I am SUPER excited to be heading out there.
After sitting on the hotel couches for four or so hours it was time for those attending the PWOC conference to have dinner, so Jenn handed me her ID card, handed Joni Suzanne's ID card, and off we all went to dinner. Then I got busted by a woman from our PWOC, who thought it was great that we drove down for the day, but says she's going to call me "Jennifer" on Thursday and let me explain to everyone why. Sweet.

After dinner, it was time to hit the road and head back home. Oh, and by the way, Josh was absolutely AWESOME and watched ALL THREE KIDS the entire day. Jim had a field thing so he couldn't help, but Josh volunteered so Joni could go unencumbered. Isn't he greatest? Jim did make it home way earlier than expected, so that was nice too, but HURRAY for Josh, for doing it and surviving. And hurray for us for getting to see our fabulous friends again. We love you guys, and we miss all of you. Anyone else coming to the area anytime soon?
15 November 2008
Saturday Silliness Part Two
14 November 2008
This Kid Just Kills Me

13 November 2008
That's it. I'm Just NOT Doing It.
So, I'm giving up for the time being. Maybe we'll try over Christmas break when Josh is around more and it's unlikely he'll be sick the entire two weeks or whatever he has "off". Sure, he'll be sick some of it, I mean, it wouldn't be time off if he was perfectly well the whole time. And it'll be too cold (I hope) to really go anywhere or want to do anything, so we'll be spending PLENTY of time in the house just hanging out. Or, we'll just decide that Christmas is too close to moving and so we should just wait until the spring. Or whenever it gets warm in Alaska.

12 November 2008
We're Going On an Adventure
The boys doing what they do best - play with dirt.
Climbing all over the rocks on top of Mount Scott.
We really had a great time!
11 November 2008
The One Where Amanda Bynes, Eric Bana, and "Chuck" All Make an Apperance

That's right, I picked Amanda Bynes. I think she's the cutest thing ever, and I enjoy everything I've seen her in. Okay, I did think she was a little obnoxious when she started out on "All That" but she's grown and matured, and she just cracks me up. I was reminded of this question and my choice last week when I watched "She's the Man". After the movie was over I told Josh how I picked Amanda Bynes to play me, and he asked, "Well, who would play me then?" Hmm...
I had never thought of that. So I jokingly offered the kid who played the guy she liked in the movie, and Josh did not approve. "He's too dorky" was Josh's reply. Okay then. He then suggested Eric Bana...

Umm...I love you, baby, but umm...no. I was able to veto Eric on the premise that if Amanda was playing me, the actor playing him would have to be someone closer to her in age, and Eric Bana was just a smidge too old for Amanda. Whew! HOWEVER, I then suggested "Chuck"...
And all was right and beautiful in the world. Wouldn't that just be the greatest? A movie about my life, starring Amanda Bynes as me, and Zachary Levi as Josh? As I told all of this to Linda, she had the best response (and sorry if I'm stealing your comment here, Lin). She said, "I would totally go see that. And I wouldn't go to the matinee to save a few bucks either. I'd go prime time and pay the full $10 to see that." She sure knows how to make a girl feel good.
Now, who would play you if your life was made into a movie?
10 November 2008

That's right. There was a little scorpion in our house. IN OUR HOUSE! I stayed calm...relatively calm anyways. But Josh looked them up on the internet and according to the internet (and we all know how reliable a source that is) the scorpions here in Oklahoma are not deadly. Getting stung by one of them is the same as getting stung by a bee or wasp. The snakes here on the other hand...
Moving along. After unloading the groceries and getting the boys up from their naps, we walked them back over to the Starling's house. Jim and Joni are awesome, and to thank us for watching Ani for two weeks while they were in California awhile back, the got us a gift certificate to Olive Garden with a night of baby-sitting included! Wahooie! So, we dropped the boys off with Joni and boogied over to the Olive Garden. We got there at 4:50 and there was already a wait. But it was worth the wait. We ate and talked and laughed and had a great time. Thank you Jim and Joni!
We picked the boys up after we got home from dinner, put them into bed, and just relaxed the rest of the evening WoWing. It really was a great day.
09 November 2008
What's that you ask? How did this happen, if not in a touchdown dance gone awry? Well, what had happened was, I was getting ready to put on some lotion after my shower (the air is getting very dry here). I opened the bottle, squeezed, and realized nothing was coming out because it was clogged with dry lotion. So, I moseyed on over to the sink and proceeded to squeeze the lotion bottle as hard as I could, figuring if I applied enough pressure, the clog should come flying out. "Well, you got the clog out" Josh offered as I explained it to him.
Yes, honey, I did.
08 November 2008
Saturday Silliness
07 November 2008
My Sweet Helper

06 November 2008
I Found This Interesting

"It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
"Christ is its grand subject, our good the design, and the glory of God its end.
"It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgement, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents."
05 November 2008
To Train, Or Not To Train - Part Two

04 November 2008
Why I Should Win "Mother of the Year"

03 November 2008
Soo...We Got Our Next Duty Assignment
02 November 2008
01 November 2008
The Happy Post

Happy Halloween!