30 November 2010
He Only Broke 2 Lights In the Process
29 November 2010
A Big Morning For Little Boys
28 November 2010
What Had Happened Was...
My Tummy Hurts
26 November 2010
Taking It Easy
Happy Thanksgiving!
There was cranberry sauce (two different varieties) and gravy. There were biscuits (we tried to make bread in our bread machine but something went terribly awry and the bread didn't really turn out...sad) and pickles and squash. And, of course, there was the turkey, which Josh cooked in the turkey fryer this year, and man was it delicious!
After dinner there was chocolate cake, baths, and the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special on TV. All in all it was a very low key day, which really was very nice. Oh! It also been snowing all. day. long, and has dropped about 4-6 inches so far. And since I posted a picture of everyone else, here's one of me to close the post:
I hope everyone else had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.
24 November 2010
Bed Heads and Potty Trials
The boys woke up with some sweet bed head today:
See, with it being winter, it stays dark until pretty late in the morning here. This means that the boys do a much better job staying in bed (usually sleeping, but not always) until I finally roll out of bed around 8 or 8:30 and get them up. Yeah! On days there is no school, obvioulsy. I've been waiting for days like this since we were living in Oklahoma and the boys would wake up every. single. morning. around 6:30 or so. That's still not as early as some kids get up, I know, but it was kind of rough going for awhile there, since I'm not much of an early morning person. Back to the kids - you can tell they slept well by the state of their hair as they bounced out of bed this morning. Well, Zeke bounced, Deacon sort of slowly slithered out of bed and up the stairs. And then there was Finn, who I'm pretty sure is in here somewhere:
Here's the thing about our mornings lately though, Zeke will get up, go upstairs, play or walk around or whatever for a few minutes then realize he has to pee. So he'll go to the bathroom, and then go about his day. However, many is the morning (like today) where he pees on the floor instead of in the toilet. I don't know if it's because he has to go so badly from holding it all night that he just goes figuring he's in the general vicinity so he'll be fine, as long as it doesn't get on his underpants? I don't think that's entirely the case because it doesn't just happen first thing in the morning. He just doesn't seem to catch himself and aim better in the mornings, like he will later on in the day, and that just might be because he's still kind of waking up. I don't know if it's because he's in such a rush to get back to playing/eating/whatever that he isn't careful about it? I'm starting to get tired of cleaning up the floor around the toilet though.
And while I'm on the subject of Zeke and the toilet, here's the other thing: Zeke won't get out of bed on his own if he has to go to the bathroom. It doesn't matter if it's naptime or bedtime, he will not leave his room on his own. I know many parents have the opposite problem where their kids will not stay in their beds, so this may seem weird to them. But if he has to go to the bathroom while he's in bed one of 3 things happens. One, he just holds it until it's time for him to get up, then he runs to the bathroom like a bolt and goes. Two, he starts to sing really loudly until one of us goes downstairs to tell him to quiet down, at which point he'll say he has to go to the bathroom and then get up and go. The third option is that he lays there crying until we hear him and go down to check on him.
I'm not sure what to do. We've repeatedly practiced with him what he should do if he has to go to the bathroom with him while he's bed. We've acted it all out, had him act it all out, quizzed him and got appropriate answers from him, and still he just won't get himself out of bed and into the bathroom. He used to always get permission to go to the bathroom no matter what time of day it was, but lately he's been going when he has to. So maybe he'll start going on his own when he's in bed too? I just don't know.
But, now I'm off to do some dishes, and all that sort of fun stuff before Josh gets home from work. I said to Josh, "Why don't you just try and take today off so you don't have to go out on those horrible roads?" He said, "How am I supposed to come home early if I don't go in at all?" Silly me. Or maybe silly Josh? Either way, in closing here are a few more silly people - Deacon looking kind of crazy and Zeke proudly wearing his "bird school shirt".
23 November 2010
It's Wet, Wild Stuff
22 November 2010
21 November 2010
Screaming, Scolding, and Sound Effects
20 November 2010
Finn's Big Bath
19 November 2010
Anybody Want a Cat?
18 November 2010
Around and Around and Around

17 November 2010
I Want To Show You Something
16 November 2010
Nice, Deacon.

15 November 2010
Do You Like My Vest?
All I can say about a car that is a giant Radio Flyer wagon is YES! Oh the things we see up here.
14 November 2010
Movie Time
13 November 2010
Speech News
12 November 2010
Which Older Boy Does He Resemble?

After all of that, I'm still not really sure. Also, after all of that I have found that Zeke's baby book does NOT have any kind of section where month by month growth numbers and things are supposed to go. Deacon and Finn both have a page for each month to fill in the stats and put a picture, plus Finn's at least, also has a page where I list his height and weight (and their percentages) for every time I weight and measure him. Now I'm kind of sad. OH! I just remembered where I did write that all down. I'll have to write it into the back of Zeke's book or something so it's there. But it's still kind of sad there aren't pictures. Hmm...
Anyhoo, now that I've wasted a bunch of time looking through pictures, and pondering Zeke's baby book and all sorts of things, I must go. We are having some company over for dinner and I should probably get some things done before that happens. Or, before the boys wake up from their naps at least.