I was asked this question by my friend who works the Teddy Watch room on Tuesday, as I was picking up Deacon after Finn's appointment. I'm not really sure. I feel like all 3 of my boys look similar to each other. At the same time though, they each look different. They are, after all, their own person. If I had to pick I'd probably say Deacon since Josh and I have both called him "Deacon" at least once in the past week. (Of course, I've been calling poor Deacon "Zeke" a ton lately, especially now that he's wearing more and more of Zeke's clothes.) So, to help figure it out, because it's kind of fun, I went back through some old pictures of my boys, and after wasting way too much time doing so, I have chosen these pictures to present to you:
Finn at 6 months:

Deacon at 6 months:

Zeke at 6 months:

And since Zeke was WAY underweight when he was 6 months, I'm putting up a second picture of him, from when he was closer to a year, and closer to Finn now in size:

After all of that, I'm still not really sure. Also, after all of that I have found that Zeke's baby book does NOT have any kind of section where month by month growth numbers and things are supposed to go. Deacon and Finn both have a page for each month to fill in the stats and put a picture, plus Finn's at least, also has a page where I list his height and weight (and their percentages) for every time I weight and measure him. Now I'm kind of sad. OH! I just remembered where I did write that all down. I'll have to write it into the back of Zeke's book or something so it's there. But it's still kind of sad there aren't pictures. Hmm...
Anyhoo, now that I've wasted a bunch of time looking through pictures, and pondering Zeke's baby book and all sorts of things, I must go. We are having some company over for dinner and I should probably get some things done before that happens. Or, before the boys wake up from their naps at least.
If I have to pick an older boy I say Deacon. But what I've been thinking for the last couple of weeks is that Finn looks like YOU!
I agree, I think that Finn looks like Beth.
Aunt Lorrie
Really?! That's funny because I tend to think he looks more like Josh. Especially when Josh is holding him and their faces are right next to each other. How funny.
I think Finn looks like Finn. And a little bit of Josh with about an extra 100 pounds on him. :-) I love Finn's chubbiness!!! :-)
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