So today I called the website that the missing gifts were from to see what was going on with my order. I had to call because I didn't have my invoice number because the email with it got sent to my junk folder of the email I got in high school, and I don't check that very often, so I didn't think to until it was two weeks past when I ordered, but by then, it had been

Anyhoodledido, as I was so embarrassed by this, I waited until Josh got home from work this afternoon and had him go ask our neighbor if, by any chance, he had actually received the packages and if he still had them. And wouldn't you know it? He did! In fact, he had told Josh that he brought them to the post office to return them but it was going to cost him $14 to mail them back and he wasn't sure if he would get that money back so he was waiting for the mailman to come by so he could give the packages to him. Wow. How awesome is God to work all that out for me? So the
presents got wrapped, they all got boxed, and they are merrily on their way to New Jersey! Wahooie!
My other thoughts for naming this post were "I'm Finally Finished" or "I'm Ready! I'm Ready! I'm Ready-eady-eady for Christmas!" (A little Spongebob for you fans out there.) This week we finished the tree. That's right, we finally got around to putting up all ten ornaments that we own. And I will say this, my boys are candy cane maniacs. Wow. I was making some monkey bread yesterday morning when I realized it was a little on the quiet side in the living room. I poked my head around the corner to see my little men folk, each with a candy cane in hand, trying to eat said candy canes through the wrappers. Oh those Walter boys.
So, that means, the lights on the house are up. The tree is up, lit, and decorated. The packages are all accounted for, wrapped, boxed, and shipped. AND we baked sugar cookies yesterday. I think I can say that we are all ready for Christmas. Well, there's still some food shopping to do, but that's nothing that won't be done anyway.
AND I was going to post a little bit about the weather here. It was in the 70's last weekend. Most of the week it was FREEZING. Like, 20 degrees freezing (I know, I know, just wait until I get to Alaska in February). Then, the last two days it's been high 50's/low 60's. But no matter the temperature, it has been dry. Apparently, the kind of dry they have here leads to lots and lots of static electricity...
Now we are just cleaning up the house for Chad and Ellie, who will be visiting us this weekend! Yay! (Okay, we're cleaning the house because it really needs it, but the Ramskuglermeisterhoffs are an added incentive.) And on that note, I had better go and mop my embarrassingly gross kitchen floor and vaccuum and all that fun stuff.
and those sugar cookies were DELICIOUS!!!! :)
oh yay!!!! im glad you got it all done and everything is all set for you my dear i have a blog now its call c is 4 Corry lol i know i know i miss you so
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