So, I feel like it's been forever since I last posted here, but looking back, it's only been five days. Hmm. Even so, I have missed you all. And I am going to blame Christmas cards for my absence. But they are finished and stuffed and stamped and went off to work with Josh today, hoping to be mailed today (or really any day this week he finds the time, but we're really hoping for today). Now that that's out of the way, here's what all's been going on.

I bought half my Christmas presents in the stores this year, and half online. Half of the half I ordered online are still not here. And of course, the presents that did come don't make a full "set" for any box I need to send out. For example, I got my mom's, the twins', Jenny's
and Rich's, but I haven't received my stepdad's, so that box can't go out. I got my stepmom's and my brother's but not my father's, so that box can't go out. I got Linda and Sam, but not Jeff or either of Josh's parents. Seriously, I would have gladly traded Linda's and Sam's to get my dad and stepdad's so I could have sent those two boxes
last week when everything else showed up. But no. So, they're all sitting in the garage, all dressed and ready to go, just waiting for their friends to show up. Typical. (That's not a picture of the presents I have waiting to go out, by the way.)

Friday morning, Josh made it home from PT in time to get the boys up so I could stay in bed a few extra minutes (isn't he fabulous?). After they both were up and had their diapers changed, Zeke came back to get me. He climed up into my bed, crawled over me, put his head on my pillow next to my head so we were forehead to forehead and said, in the sweetest voice ever (of course), "How's it going, Momma?" Once I finished laughing, I told him it was going well and asked how he was doing, which launched him off on some story or other in his "Zeke speak". Sweet boy.

Deacon had a pretty big week last week. His first two molars FINALLY broke through. There has been A LOT of drooling going on, but they are here. Deacon also started saying "No" and "Thank You" (which actually sounds like "day doo") this week. We put the tree up Saturday and he stands there, patting the branches saying, "Noo. Noo." All the while shaking his little head. Yeah. He cracks me up. He also started pulling back and shrieking when Zeke tries to take toys from him now. Yes. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about that.

What I am excited about though, is that we got our Christmas tree this weekend. The post here was giving away free Christmas trees to the first 400 or something people who showed up at 7am. When Josh got up to go he heard Zeke moving around in his bed, got him up and brought him along. What fun! (Deacon and I stayed in our cozy beds and slept in until 7:20.) Josh said Zeke picked out the tree himself, and it is a nice one. We put it up while the kids were in bed for their morning "rest time", and I think it made it about a half an hour once they got up before being knocked over.

It's still not decorated. We did put lights on it last night. Unfortunately most of our tree lights from the last 5+ years broke in the move or something, and half of them didn't work. Sad. SO we found some icicle lights in the box that worked and we put those on. They still need some rearranging, but they look pretty good. I guess we'll give the boys a day or two to adjust to the lights before we hang ornaments. Maybe we just won't do ornaments this year. I kid. But now I do understand why Josh wanted to put the tree outside this year. That just made me too sad, and I can't do it. I'm sure they'll leave it alone after awhile.
And that's about all from here for now. I hope y'all are having a fabulous December so far!
Love hearing the little boy stories. All of my friends have girls, so it's fun to see what your boys are up to.
I'm so excited to hear their little voices and see you all! Because we're travelling over Christmas we didn't even decorate this year... not a wreath or appliqued towel in sight. :)
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