I promise. I have FINALLY figured out how to get the video from my camera onto the computer. That FINALLY being done, I am now close to finishing the Christmas video I've been trying to work on with no success since, well, Christmas. Hence my silence here the past few days. Hence the shortness of this particular post, since I want to get going and get some more work on the video, which requires learning more of my new program. That being said, here are two things for you before I go:
1. I'm thinking more and more about Blog 365 and I am thinking about starting a second blog, solely for 365, and each day I will just put up a picture, if I have time or whatever a story to go with the picture. But the picture will sort of be my day in a snapshot. One picture that defines my day. What do you think? Should I go for it? Should I not? Should I just do it here? What say ye?

I'm thinking of Blog 365 as well. It's a big deal...I don't know if I'm woman enough to handle it.
I say do the picture thing here. I love the idea! (And I might steal it.)
This comment was typed one-handed. Sam says: gbhghhjkjkujk
Maybe since it is a new year, you could "re-format" this one to do what you would have done on Blog 365. I'm not sure I could handle having two blogs!
Happy New Year!
don't do it. You are setting yourself up for a disappointment. I am very comfortable with the rate you're posting.
I'm luck if I post once a month.
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