I have to admit, at first, I was a little worried about having two boys so close together in age. I was nervous that there would be jealousy (which, there is to some degree, but not at all what I was originally expecting), and that Zeke would hate us forever for bringing home another kid, and that even though EVERYONE told me they would be best friends and it's going to be so wonderful having two boys so close together in age, I found it somewhat hard to believe. I don't know why I was so skeptical. I mean, just look at them...

...whether it's coloring or playing in the dirt...

...playing in the tub or watching TV...
...these boys play so nicely together. Most of the time anyways. They love to just look at each other and laugh. For no apparent reason. It's great. They bring each other their juice cups and things. And Zeke knows that if Deacon gets upset to go and find either his juice/milk or his blankie and that that will make Deacon feel better. Sure, he still tries to steal whatever toy Deacon is playing with, but it's all out of brotherly love. Right?
A quick story before I go. This past Saturday, Zeke had out one of those toys where you have to put the pieces through the holes that match the shapes (you know what I'm talking about). So Deacon sits down next to him and Zeke hands Deacon the current piece and says, "Here you go, Dee Dee." As Deacon attempts to put the piece into the wrong hole Zeke says, "Good try." Then, as Deacon turns the toy around to the side that actually has the right hole for the piece Zeke says, "That's it." And finally, as Deacon gets the piece into the correct hole (which Zeke helped him with by pointing to it) Zeke sat there and cheered for him saying, "Yay, Dee Dee! Good job!" It was very sweet. Very sweet indeed.
Oh! I just miss seeing this SO MUCH. I wish I could take a trip out to see all of you. (Sidebar: WHEN did they get so LONG?!) They are sweet, sweet boys. Give them both lots of hugs and kisses from their Aunt Awesome. (And maybe an oreo or two before dinner? For me?)
awwww, BIG SIGH here. What a sweet story.
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