That would be crushed up Chex cereal all over the chair...and Deacon's head. Lovely.
And speaking of lovely, we had a great time this past week. As you know, my dear friend Sara came to visit with her daughter, Lily. You can read a day-by-day, play-by-play on her blog starting here. I will just highlight the visit with a few pictures and notes of my own right quick.
Here I am, teaching Lily how to play World of Warcraft.

Lily sure was fond of Josh. I think he needs a daughter of his own.

Deacon was more than happy to have another mouth to feed.
And Lily just couldn't figure out Zeke's obsession with the TV.
Two of the days they were here, my dad and Karen came to visit as well. Once I get things a little more organized on my computer, I will put the pictures from this fun time up on my Flickr page. Maybe after the weekend. In the meantime, here are some pictures from my dad and Karen's part of the visit.

Here's my dad wrestling with the boys.

Karen kicked Josh out and took over bathtime, which he was more than happy to let her do.

Zeke has rediscovered his love for coloring and made sure he let Grandpa in on the good time.
Here are all three kids waiting not-so-patiently for Karen to open up the new toy she bought for the boys.
All in all, a good week. And while I am so thankful for all the visitors, and I had a great time seeing my family again and plowing through the entire first season of "Arrested Development" with Sara, I am thankful to have an "empty" house again.
Yeah, what were you thinking letting Lily and Sara in for a whole week+! They even snuck in an extra day... under the pretense of bad weather... yeah, riiiight.
Lily misses the excitement already. We love you guys are are so grateful for the time we had together!
sounds like you had a great time :o) cant wait to see pics
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