In honor of Zeke's birthday, here are a few pictures of the boys from the past few years...
Zeke at two weeks old, on his 1st birthday, and on his 2nd birthday.
Deacon at two weeks old and on his 1st Birthday

both boys this morning at breakfast
Doesn't it just make you smile, yet break your heart all at the same time? I mean, where did my babies go? (And by the way, Deacon has decided that he is not a baby anymore. If I call him my baby or anything of the sort he looks at me with this look like, "Who you callin' baby?" and then says, "No" until I correct myself and refer to him as my big boy. Go ahead, Deacon, just break my heart.) Maybe it is time to start thinking about #3.
Oh *boys*! I'd forgotten how little they were. It does break my heart. But yeah, having more of that sweet goodness? I don't think I can get too much of that. I say go for it.
oooooh, #3!!! :) You do have sweet boys - have you pictured them as teens yet? I always wanted to have teenagers as kind and smart and wonderful as the Brandt and Mik. kids.
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