Let's see...who shall I start with? How about Zeke?
Zeke has been diagnosed with his first ever ear infection. Now, this isn't to say he has never had one before, I'm sure he probably has. They just haven't ever been bad or bothered him enough that I noticed he definitely had one and should take him in to have it looked at. However, Wednesday morning, we were playing in his room and I noticed a trail of little golden spots across his pillow. I looked at both of his ears and saw this:

A nice golden ring of wax around his ear hole. Niiiiice. (And yes, I am one of those weird moms who finds wax and snot sort of fascinating, hence the picture.) So, the doctor confirmed an outer ear infection and now we're doing the ear drop thing. I will say this, I am SO happy that thing burst. The night before, Zeke was a bear. Nothing made him happy (except for "Wall-E" - he about had a heart attack from excitement when I put that movie it - which you should see if you haven't), he wouldn't eat, play, or do anything except whine and stick his finger in his ear and in his mouth. Which led us to believe he was teething, but obviously, that was not the case.
Thursday morning, Deacon and I both woke up with awful head colds. Well, I'm assuming based on how awful mine is that Deacon's is equally as bad. Clogged noses that run (how is that even possible?), coughing, sneezing, droopy feeling, not sleeping (which isn't fun for anyone when Deacon doesn't sleep). There is so much snot in Deacon's nose I must have aspirated him four times already in the 40 minutes we've been awake this morning. Lovely.

Then, there's Josh. Josh, for those of you who don't know, had knee surgery in college after tearing his ACL (or something like that). Well, his left knee has been bothering him a lot the past, oh, five years or so, and he is finally trying to get it taken care of now. However, they are more concerned about his right knee at the moment. Apparently, it's a little worse off than he thought. So much so that they don't want to operate on his left knee yet because they are worried his right knee won't be able to support him while he's on crutches. Yeah. SO, now he has to go to physical therapy for two weeks to try and strengthen his right knee until they are sure that it will indeed hold him up when it's all he has to hold him up.
I thought about including in here about how little I think of the Army's medical system and about my current frustration with them, but it's over and I've moved on, so whatever.
I will include in here how Zeke seems to be on some sort of wrecky emotional rollercoaster since turning 3. I have no idea why, but wow. One minute he's laughing and playing and having a good time. Then, if I read a specific book and Deacon doesn't play along properly or something, he's having a major meltdown all. over. the house. He's still great, but he's slightly unbalanced at the moment. I guess turning three was a bigger deal for him than I originally thought. Sweet boy.
And now, now the boys are playing in Zeke's room, as if they know Josh is trying to sleep still, and they want him to get up but don't want to just walk in and wake him. The muffins I'm baking for breakfast are almost finished, and I just heard Deacon sneeze which means there is probably some nose-wiping that needs to happen now. All of that is to say, that I must go. But let me leave you with this reassuring thought, even though he's an emotional mess these day, Zeke is still taking time to balance himself out by continually letting his OCD take over by lining things up...

Yay, you posted the earwax pics! I was wondering if they'd make it on the blog or not. :-) I hope you guys start to feel better soon. Give Zeke special oreos from me (don't tell Josh). They help when you're only three and the world is big and confusing.
Come to think of it, they help knee rehab too. So maybe Josh should have some. Oreos all around!
Beth, so sweet to see your little ones! We miss you so. Just a quick question, have we lost friend status on your blog? No more love for the Humphreys? Well, whatever way you do it- check our blog out. We made some updates. Love you guys.
i recommend you to check out the eardoc. it is not invasive and it works wanders! it treats the problem rather than the symptom.
So sorry all this is happening on your birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Beth!!! Hope you have a great day despite, the snot, ear wax, and bad knees in your house!
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