It's going to be a crazy week here in Walterland. Tomorrow, my dear friend, Sara, and her darling daughter, Lily, are coming to visit for a week. Also tomorrow, my father and Karen are coming for a quick, two day visit. They don't land until 11:00pm so they will get in their rental car, drive to their hotel, and we'll see them Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening I am planning a big spaghetti dinner for us, our guests, the Starlings, and the Starling's guests) Joni's parents are coming in on Tuesday as well). Thursday, Josh goes to Arkansas for two days for some training. Friday, my dad and Karen leave. Friday evening, and here is your "official" invitation Joni, we'll probably have a "chick flick" night after the kids are in bed. So, Joni, grab your mom, your new baby girl (if you want) and come on over for some popcorn and probably some Colin Firth. I can't make any promises on him, but I can vouch for the popcorn.
And that's as far out as I'm thinking right now. It's going to be crazy, but it's going to be fun. I am looking forward to it all. That being said, if you don't hear from me for awhile, you'll understand why.
Now, to help tide you over until I do get around to posting again, here are some pictures and some videos of those boys we've all come to know and love...

Oh, and I am putting up all my pictures from the month on Flickr.
YAY! Look out Walters... here we come!
Joni! Sara! COLIN FIRTH! Waaaahhhh! I want to come!
Zeke's got his own personal cabana boy! Go Zeke!
Aunt Awesome
that video is too cute!!! hope you have a fun week! sounds like it's going to be busy but nice :)
Beth, you didn't mention Colin Firth eariler, but now I'm definitely gonna be there! Actually, I still need to see what my mom is up for. Hmmm, now I'm trying to think of a movie of his that I haven't seen yet....
Hehe, The Last Legion is the name of Colin's out of the box random Roman soldier movie. Just thought you'd like to know :)
Did we see The Importance of Being Earnest together? It's good.
Colin Firth was in Circle of Friends?
Hmm, ever heard of Relative Values? Can you tell that I IMDBed Colin to see all his movies?
HILARIOUS video!!! :)
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