Where the something, something go sweeping down the something. Or something. Okay, so I don't know the words to the song. Big deal. I DO know we will be heading there in three weeks though.
That's right. Josh got his orders last Friday and we have been busy, busy, busy little bees getting things ready. Here's the essential lowdown: we are flying to Oklahoma on the 21st of this month. AAAHH!!! Well, that will be official once Josh finalizes the tickets, but yeah. We will spend about three weeks in OK checking out the area, and aquainting ourselves with our new home. Then, on the 10th we head off to New Jersey for three weeks. Yee-ha! SO, if you want to see us, that would be the time to do it. The last day of August will be our last day in NJ, then it's all OK all the time for the next six months. After that? Who knows. We're not worrying about it now since we have PLENTY stressing us out at the moment.

In other news, Zeke's appointment that we walked out of on Monday was rescheduled for today and it went smashingly. Everything ran on time, we had two nurses checking us in so the one could help me with both boys, and the doctor (whom I really do enjoy) was on time and she's just so cute. But Zeke weighed in at 31 1/2 pounds (a little under the 50% range - maybe a 48.692% ish) and is 37 1/2 inches tall (a little over the 50% range). He's prefectly healthy, listened really well, and both behaved beautifully. They had most of the nurses and the doctors cracking up. Those boys.
And that's about all for now. I will leave you with this as your "moment of zen" for the day (totally biting that off of the Daily Show - I'll admit it).

Is that the great Cornholio that I see? Yeah, yeah!
Can't wait to see you guys again. I just didn't get enough of you a few weeks ago. Plus, Sam's really looking forward to being tackled for the first time by Zeke. :-)
Hmmm...maybe we could somehow see you while you're on the east coast?? Hooray for orders!!! Amazing the power those pieces of paper have!
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