The greatest place on earth. Or not. But it's still a lot of fun. Most of the time anyway. And now that we're here, let me tell you what's been going on...
I forgot to writ
e about this when I posted about Zeke's doctor's appointment last week, but the doctor did an autism screening, per my request, and Zeke passed with flying colors. So, no autism. Which, we knew, we just wanted to rule it out for sure. Apparently, screening for autism is a new thing they're doing with all 12-18 (or is it 18-24) month olds now, and Zeke missed just missed that, so we did it now. You should have seen how many people were confused as to why we wanted an autism screening at his 30 month check-up. Obviously kids were going to miss the new screening process by being too old once it starts. Anyhoo...he was tested, and he passed. Good deal.

An even better deal is the fact that the following day, Karen, from EDIS came out to do a final evaluation before we leave for Oklahoma and said that Zeke has come such a long way in this past year that she is no longer concerned about him and does not feel that he needs any further work with EDIS. Unless we get concerned along the way again, but she said he's doing fine, and she's pleased with where he is, and so am I. You've come a long way baby!
In other news, we pushed our "fly date" back two days just to give us (and by
us I really mean Josh) more time to get everything taken care of before we leave. Our tickets have been purchased and all that jazz, so it can't change again, but we will be leaving Germany on the 23rd of July. We will land in Lawton (after a lay-over in Dallas) around 1800 (6:00 pm). It's going to be crazy between now and then, so if you don't hear from me for awhile, don't worry, I'm sure I'm okay.

Speaking of being "incommunicato", they come to take our stuff away starting the 15th. That's next week. We will be moving into the Bradley Inn (the hotel on base) either the 15th or the 16th, depending on how the 15th goes, which means that there will no way to call us (or for us to call you) from the 15th until we get to Oklahoma. We will have our laptop, and I'm hoping there's internet access in there (anyone know for sure whether or not there is?), so I can still email (hahahaha...because I'm SO good at that) and/or blog (most likely the case). I'm sure my stress level will be pretty high from the 15th until the 24th, so it's probably better that we don't speak to each other during that time. Hahaha.
We enjoyed a quiet four day weekend. Here are pictures of Josh and Zeke bonding while watching Thomas (or "Hamas" as it's pronounced over here). I went to IKEA with my friend Elizabeth on Friday to buy new sheets for our German bed (just in case they don't sell the right size in the states) and to get some stuff for her new place. We had a great time, and it was nice being able to go without having to tote around a baby or two. I am also including a picture of one of the new sets of sheets I got, they just make me so happy. I think they'll make you happy too.

You know what makes me happier even than those awesome sheets? That picture of DD grinning. What a sweetheart! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks and hear him squeal again. Sam hasn't really started smiling yet, so I have to live on Deacon's smiles for now.
PS~ No comminicato for a whole week?! Man. I'm going to be so bored.
How exciting you guys have a date! And that Zeke is doing so well too.
I thought we were going to stay at the Bradley but that really meant the 4th floor of Askren so I wonder where you guys will go? It was a nice little set up but no internet there and the 4th floor is really high..LOL.
We will be praying for you and your family as you go through this limbo period.
Chaz, Carol and Ashley
Linda can always call me for the week+ you are incommunicado! (I want to see more pics of Sam too)
I'm so excited for you guys and the move and all, but I'll be thinking about you and praying everything goes smoothly just the same.
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