7:30 in the morning almost always finds me changing two poopy diapers. I say "almost always" because there are mornings where either one or both of them didn't poop yet, or Josh is in there taking care of business. This morning, was no exception. However, this morning was pretty bad.
It started two nights ago. We were getting Zeke ready for bed when we noticed a little bit of a diaper rash starting. So, we applied a little ointment, diapered him up and put him
down. Around ten o'clock he started really crying. So I went in to find him curled up in a ball on his pillow with his bum in the air. And boy was he stinky! So I turned on the light, and proceeded to change his diaper. Upon opening the diaper I could see the red of his bum shining through the poo. Oh yeah. So he screamed while I wiped and Josh held his legs still. He freaked out when I applied another dose of cream. Then calmed down once we were finished and released him to his bed (where he lied on his back, but still curled in a ball with his bum lifted off the bed - poor baby). Yesterday it looked pretty good all day. I still applied some ointment throughout the day, but it looked fine. Looked fine, that is, until 7:30 this morning when I went to get him out of bed and change his poopy diaper. WHOO BOY was his little bum red. And WHOO BOY did he HOWL as I wiped his poor, red, raw bum. It's 10:30 in the morning now and he's since pooped twice more. Needless to say, diaper changes haven't gotten any better. In fact, with the last one his bum started to bleed a little. So you can imagine how much that stung when the wipey hit it.

But ba
ck to 7:30 this morning. So I change Zeke's diaper with him understandably crying the entire time. However, Zeke was not the only one crying throughout his diaper change. Nope, Deacon was joining in the festivities by crying and trying to climb up my leg the whole time. Nice. Once I finish with Zeke I pick up Deacon and lay him down on the changing table to take care of poopy diaper #2. Now, Deacon does not have a terrible, terrible diaper rash. No. Deacon is teething again. I love my son, but I don't think I like him very much when he's teething. I kid. Poor baby started running a low fever yesterday and he was whiny and complainy all day. Even Josh coming home from work did little to console him. Food did little to console him. Then there's the fact that this morning's diaper was "less than solid", let's say, and so Deacon cried his entire diaper change as well since he was unhappy and hurting and just all-around uncomfortable.

Now it's 10:36 and, as you can see by the pictures I just took (sorry Zeke's is so dark, I didn't want to wake him with the flash), I have to wake them up from their naps. Let's hope the rest of our day goes a little bit better.
Do you have any Aveeno oatmeal bath? Wes had the worst problems with this during teething and too results from the antibiotics from ear infections. I swear by this bath - it soothes it at night and then I like the A & D night time version. Thick like a paste - hard as hell to get off the walls if your kids happen to get the lid off own their own:) Good luck and hope you have a better day tomorrow!
Get a screw-top jar and mix this concoction up for Zeke:
2 oz A & D ointment
2 oz zinc oxide ointment
1 oz Maalox or Mylanta
1 oz bacitracin
This is the real Butt Paste!
My friend Liana (a blogger, who else?) invented it. She's an M.D. and she uses it on her daughter and it is MIRACLE CURE. I have this recipe filed away for when Sam eventually and inevitably gets diaper rash.
Poor Zeke. Kiss him for me. And Deacon, too.
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