Friday morning, around 6:22 a.m. I woke up and the room was spinning. About a half an hour later I threw up. I got Zeke out of bed because he was crying, then called Josh and started crying myself. "I don't feel good. I just threw up, it's 7:15 and Deacon's still in bed because I just don't think I can make it up the stairs, and I just don't know what to do." Very calmly he said, "It's okay. I'll come home. I have an appointment at ten that I have to keep, but I can come home, give the boys breakfast and take care of them until nap time. Just try and get Deacon up and give him his bottle." Which I did. Barely.

So, Josh got home, and I went back to bed feeling miserable and nauseous and like there was a pool of poison hanging out in my belly, undecisive as to how or when it wanted to remove itself. After putting Zeke in bed for his morning rest period at 9:30 Josh came in and said he had to leave and he'd be back once his appointment was over, but that he wouldn't be back in time for naptime to end, so I'd have to get up and get the boys up at 10:30. "Okay" I sniffed, then went back to "sleep" (I put quotes around that word because I wasn't really sleeping since I was in so much pain, but I was trying really hard). About ten minutes after Josh left I threw up again and felt like I could actually pass for human again. Then I fell asleep.

Then 10:30 came along, and with it, Josh appearing in our bedroom. I popped up and said, "What's going on?!?" I was realizing all at once that I had almost slept right through waking up the boys and Josh was there and all kinds of things, so I was a bit confused. Especially because Josh was there, because the only way for Josh to be there was for him to drive to post, cancel his appointment and drive immediately back home. Which, apparently he did. I said, "What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you" he answered. "Now go back to sleep. I'll make you some tea and bring you something to eat for when you wake up again." And he did. And I fell back asleep thinking, "Thank You, God, for such a wonderful man." Thank You, God, indeed.
Oh Beth, God bless you both.
Was the sick anything like that morning you called me to come over when Deacon was tiny and Josh was down range? You poor thing. Better sick then, than during this upcoming move.
Awww, what a good man! I'm sorry that you were feeling so yucky but it's great that you have an awesome helpmate to rescue you. You got you a good 'un. :-)
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