I am telling you guys, time is just "racing" by. On Saturday, the 26th, Deacon, aka "Captain Hammer" turned 3. (Notice the hammer hanging out on/in his shirt. That's the new way he likes to carry it around.)
In anticipation for this day, I purchased (way back in January) a cake pan that makes little cars and trucks (much like Zeke's dinosaur and train cakes). I baked them in the morning, and during the boys naptime in the afternoon, Josh got all creative and decorated them, creating a little scene in the process.
As you can see, Deacon was super excited about his cake (and his presents).
We got him some more cars and trucks (and tractors!) to add to his little collection. I even found a "Mack" for the set (Mack is one of their favorite charactes from the movie "Cars").
As an extra treat, on Sunday, I took Deacon to Cold Stone Creamery to cash in on his free birthday ice cream. He picked strawberry ice cream with M&Ms. And he refused to share.

His refusal to share with me "forced" me to get an ice cream of my own, which, Deacon was more than happy to make me share with him. I got up to buy that bottle of water and came back to see him helping himself. Must be nice to be the birthday boy.

And here he is, as all the sugar starts to set it.

Turning 3, also brought some changes for Deacon. A few weeks ago, Josh finally took the rest of the crib pieces off of Deacon's bed, so now it is actually a bed.
All in all, it was a fun weekend for a fun boy. I still can't believe my sweet pea is 3. Happy Birthday Deacon. We love you!
Special package for Deacon and Zeke arriving July 1. Please look for them!
I'm so sorry I made you cry, Deacon! I won't talk with your mom till AFTER she picks you up on Sundays, K?
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
Ms. Amity
Happy Birthday Deacon! What a fun day of celebrating! Super cute car cake!
wow 3 already were did the years go Happy Birthday Dee Dee hope turning 3 was great.
Happy Birthday Deacon! I love the cute cakes. Josh, you did a great job decorating these cars and trucks. Beth, you are such a great mother! The boys will have many special memories as they grow up. We think Finn is the cutest! Love Aunt Lorrie
Ack! Deacon is three and I missed his birthday! I'm so sorry I forgot! I was thinking about it earlier in the month and then, well, the thought didn't come back. Happy Birthday Deacon!
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