30 March 2009
A Beautiful Moment
27 March 2009
Picture Me Doing This...
...as you read this post.
(And if you want, you can picture Joni instead of Will at the end.)
Now, on with the blog.
We have tickets! We all have plane tickets! Josh has tickets here and back to Alaska. The boys and I have tickets to Alaska. My mom has tickets to here, to Alaska, then back to Jersey. Wahoo! Josh gets in on Good Friday. Of course, he gets in ridiculously late, so the boys won't see him until Saturday, but that's okay. My mom gets in that Saturday too. Then we have a week to ship my car, ship our household goods, get last minute stuff taken care of, then, to quote Johnny Horton's classic, "[we're] going north to Alaska, [we're] going north, the rush is on."
To help get the boys ready, and maybe give them some sort of an idea for Daddy's return, I took down the map and put this up...

Also (I mentioned this before without any detail), Josh got us a house in Alaska and has moved in already. Of course, there wasn't really much for him to move in with, but it's all set up and ready for us to get there and make it a home.

Doesn't it look lovely? I'd post some of the pictures of the inside, but I'm waiting until we get all of our stuff out there and have it all set up. It has four bedrooms (that means a guest room -hint hint!), two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, deck, fenced in backyard, garage, driveway, snow. Lots of snow at the moment. This is going to be great. I can't wait.
24 March 2009
Too Much Fun Not To Share
It's no secret that Wall-E is a favorite here. Below is a clip from the movie that I filmed with my own camera. It is, by far, Deacon's favorite part of the movie. It lasts all of 8 seconds. The second clip is Deacon's reaction every. time. we watch. the movie. Enjoy!
23 March 2009
Say It Loud!

19 March 2009
Besos, Tia!

Zeke wasted NO time warming up to Tia (we call her that because we figured Aunt Katherine would be a lot for any little mouth to say, let alone my little's boys' little mouths, and since she took Spanish in high school, and "tia" is Spanish for "aunt", she now goes by Tia. Likewise, since Kirsten took French in high school, she is now "Tante"). As soon as he saw her, he gave her a nice big hug, and just started talking, and talking, and talking. It was very sweet. Deacon, on the other hand, took a little longer. I'm not sure if he was confused as to where she came from since she got in after they were in bed, or if the fact that she looks very similar to me was throwing him off, but he just kept looking at her, making a face that I can't really describe except to say it was funny, refusing to smile, even though you could tell he really wanted to.
But we had so much fun with Tia. Sunday, after naps, I dropped off Katherine and the boys at the "airplane park" on post so I could do some quick food shopping. Jim was there with Sammie while Joni food shopped. I was glad she mentioned it to me because I think they had a good time and the weather was gorgeous.

While Katherine was here we maily just hung around the house and did our normal stuff. We colored and blew bubbles...

I also introduced Katherine to WoW (World of Warcraft), and I think she rather enjoyed it...

Otherwise, like I said, we just hung out and enjoyed having company. It was a great few days and we were all sad to see her go this morning. And yes, Deacon did warm up to Tia, and had a great time with her as well.
Now Katherine is sitting in Dallas airport, waiting to board her flight back to New Jersey, and we miss her already. I guess now we just look forward to and focus on the big move next month! But more on that another time. For now, I will end with this: Thank you again for coming Katherine, we had a great time, and we love you!
14 March 2009
I Mean, Really?
I know I just posted about Zeke's running in circles around the house a few days ago, but I feel like he's really taken it up a notch lately. Maybe it's just that I'm starting to get worn out, or maybe it's because Josh hasn't been around to help find other outlets for his energy, or maybe he has discovered how much he really, really loves to run in circles.
09 March 2009
I figured out why my cell phone battery keeps dying over night now. Six to seven minutes of this a day will do that I guess.
And in case you're wondering, he's talking to his daddy. He dials by himself, says "hello" until Josh answers, then walks the house talking the whole time. When he's finished, he says bye, hangs up, and then hands me the phone. It's really very sweet. Definitely worth the dead battery (on nights I don't remember to charge it before going to bed).
07 March 2009
What's Better Than...?

Q: What's better than waking up early so we have lots of extra time together in the morning?

Q: What's better than a nice big backyard to run around in?
A: Five square feet of dirt to play in: (and yes, Zeke is pouring dirt directly onto his leg, and yes, he then proceeded to rub it in, over and over)

Q: What's better than kicking the ball around the yard?
: Kicking the ball around the yard with this guy... (usually there is a bunch of squealing that accompanies the running and kicking, sorry he wouldn't properly perform for the camera)
Q: What's better than eating lasagna?
A: Getting lasagna all. over. your face...

Q: What's better than getting new art to hang on your walls (even though you're moving in a month?)
A: Having art that your kids made to hang on the walls... (Deacon did the two on the left, Zeke did the two on the right)

Q: What's better than coloring with markers?
A: Sticking the marker caps on our fingers...

Q: And finally, what's better than watching WALL-E?
A: Watching WALL-E with this guy...
Oh, those Walter boys. They make life so much better!
04 March 2009
Just In Case You Were Wondering
This is what a typical day here in Walterland looks like. This specific activity supplies endless hours of entertainment, usually anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes at a time. Now, on a normal day, clothes are worn during this activity, but it hit 84degrees here today, so yeah.