I'm gassy and proud!
Okay, I'm not actually gassy, but my boys are. This has actually become quite comical, for me anyway, as every single time one of them burps or toots (that's what we call farts in our house although I'm not altogether sure why) they look at me and announce it. So, all day long I get to hear some sort of gas being expelled, followed by "To-oo-ots! Excuse me." Or "I burp. Excuse me." Yes, they say "excuse me" after the burp or toot. Well, Deacon says something more along the lines of "mish-mish-ma", and he only says "toot" regardless of what end it comes out of.

Also, every single time the microwave dings, the toaster oven bings, the oven timer goes off, or whatever, I am treated to a chorus of "It's ready!" by my two little menfolk. Just in case I didn't hear it for myself, I guess. What good little helpers.
Actually, they are pretty good helpers. If I have to go to the bathroom while they are up, they usually accompany me. However, once I'm finished Deacon shuts the lid and flushes for me, while Zeke turns the faucet on and off for me while I wash my hands. Oh yeah, it's a good time. They also help clean up more, and I'm trying to get Zeke to help set the table by putting the plates on it, but he usually hands a plate to Deacon then the two of them stand there in the middle of the kitchen looking at me, wondering why there isn't food on their plates.
My favorite, somewhat recent, story of Zeke helping happened in the commissary the other week. I got the boys out of the cart so the elderly gentleman who was on cart duty could take it back to the front of the store for me (he was probably close to 70 if he wasn't already there). Well, Zeke decided, much to the delight of just about everyone else in the commissary (baggers, cashiers, and the like) to help this man walk the cart to front of the store. It really was quite funny watching the two of them push this cart, then hear the man thank Zeke, who replied with "You're welcome", then watch Zeke come bouncing back to Deacon and me.
And not to beat a dead horse or anything, but my kids like dirt. While Tia was here we took the boys to two different parks. And sure, they did slide a little, and climbed a little, and played with the wheels and tubes and things a little, but what did they play with the most?

The dirt. Or in the case of the "castle park" (right), woodchips. It's like Joni said when she got to the "airplane" park and saw the boys all the way over there in the dirt (left), "It's a good thing you came all the way here so they could play in a new patch of dirt." Yes, yes it is. This is why the wind up having baths five nights a week. This is also why I don't let them outside on days I don't want to give them baths, regardless of how nice it is out there. And this is I love my boys, because they are just that, boys.
Wonderful stories! What cuties they are!
I think this is my favorite post of yours. Ever!
Always good to have one of my quotes make your blog....:)
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