Zeke wasted NO time warming up to Tia (we call her that because we figured Aunt Katherine would be a lot for any little mouth to say, let alone my little's boys' little mouths, and since she took Spanish in high school, and "tia" is Spanish for "aunt", she now goes by Tia. Likewise, since Kirsten took French in high school, she is now "Tante"). As soon as he saw her, he gave her a nice big hug, and just started talking, and talking, and talking. It was very sweet. Deacon, on the other hand, took a little longer. I'm not sure if he was confused as to where she came from since she got in after they were in bed, or if the fact that she looks very similar to me was throwing him off, but he just kept looking at her, making a face that I can't really describe except to say it was funny, refusing to smile, even though you could tell he really wanted to.
But we had so much fun with Tia. Sunday, after naps, I dropped off Katherine and the boys at the "airplane park" on post so I could do some quick food shopping. Jim was there with Sammie while Joni food shopped. I was glad she mentioned it to me because I think they had a good time and the weather was gorgeous.

While Katherine was here we maily just hung around the house and did our normal stuff. We colored and blew bubbles...

I also introduced Katherine to WoW (World of Warcraft), and I think she rather enjoyed it...

Otherwise, like I said, we just hung out and enjoyed having company. It was a great few days and we were all sad to see her go this morning. And yes, Deacon did warm up to Tia, and had a great time with her as well.
Now Katherine is sitting in Dallas airport, waiting to board her flight back to New Jersey, and we miss her already. I guess now we just look forward to and focus on the big move next month! But more on that another time. For now, I will end with this: Thank you again for coming Katherine, we had a great time, and we love you!
Yay, Tia Katherine!
Glad you guys enjoyed your visit.
The boys look so cute in their little white t-shirts at castle park!!!
Aww Beth! Almost got me teary-eyed! I had so much fun with you guys too! I thought I might have "cried" all the way back to Newark, but the two delays in Dallas kinda distracted me. lol Anyhoo I miss you guys too and I did rather enjoy WoW lol. Thanks again and maybe I will follow you guys to Alaska! ha. I had dinner with Jon Paiz last night when I got home and he said I'm not a normal college student for going to Oklahoma and then Alaska for my spring breaks lol. Oh well. I will talk to you soon enough. Love you all!
sounds like a fun time. wish i could've come too (thanks for mentioning me lol). i miss you all too!!
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