Lately, Zeke has been asking for his juice as soon as I walk into his bedroom to wake him up from whatever. It's really cute because he goes, "Joo, joo" and does the sign for "milk". Once I give him the juice I might get a "Hi Mommy" or a "Hello". Maybe. If I'm lucky. So this weekend, I go to get Zeke up and as usual I walk in and he goes, "Joo. Joo." Before he can even see that I did bring the juice with me (I like to hide it behind my back...I can't really say why) Josh walks in the room. And what does Zeke say? "Hi Daddy!!" with so much enthusiasm and excitement. WHAT?!? Here I am, with the juice, day after day, nap after nap,
and do I ever get a "Hi Mommy" right off the
bat? NO! Most days I don't get one at all. Sigh.
and do I ever get a "Hi Mommy" right off the

Deacon has started pulling up on things. Of course he hasn't fully figured out walking while holding on (I'm totally blanking on what that's called), nor has he figured out how to get down, so he usually gets up, hangs out for a few minutes, then starts screaming until I set him down, only to do it again as soon as I let go. Awesome. Well, speaking of the little devils, naptime is just about over here and so I must go. Some days naptime goes a little too quickly.
Deacon looks just like Unlce Skip with that black sticky under his nose! That's crazy!
I don't know about Zeke and the juice thing...I think that's the lot of the mommy. Good thing he's so cute...makes up for it. :-)
It's called "cruising." Not sure why, cuz they're not really cruising. Oh, well. Don't feel sad about the Mommy/Daddy thing. I bet I know who they call for when they're hurt or scared!
Isn't that just the way it goes! I guess we just have to take joy in the fact that we get to see those few precious moments through out the week when Dad's at work and they do something so funny, or cute or sweet!
Plus, it's all the more special when they do call out our name or say i lub u.
Hiya Beth! It's ok, Sammie calls for Ani before me or Jim! When I go in to get her up in the morning or from a nap, its all about "Ani!Ani!Ani!" They're pretty good friends so that's good. Or at least, Ani has a high tolerance for toddlers and pretends to be Sammie's friend. Whatever.
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