Thank you all for leaving your thoughts on Zeke's poop-playing. He hasn't done it again since I wrote about it, but that's not to say he won't start up again. If he does, I guess I'll have the duct tape ready.
I really wanted to write today because I have been going through this book Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler since January and it is fabulous. If anyone is looking for a new devotional, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It goes over 26 different names of God found in the Bible and explores each one over five days. It gives prayer guidelines for each day too, which I find wonderful and would recommend that if you do give this study a try you might want to buy a journal to write out your prayers each day. It's what I've been doing and I'm loving it. I can see my prayers going deeper each time (well, most of the time), and it's great getting to know God even more and seeing more of Him and who He is. I also have her second book, Praying the Names of Jesus, and can't wait to do that the second half of this year.
I also wanted to recommend to those of you who have friends with more than one blog (like I know many of you do) a site that helps you to check everyone's blogs a little more easily. If you're like me, you would get on every day or so and go down the list of your friends sites and check each one individually looking for an update. Well, my blog-savvy sister-in-law Linda introduced me to You go to this site, you sign up (it's free), you enter all of your blogs that you check and then you're done. Then every day after that all you have to do is check that one site and it will let you know which of your friends (if any) have updated their blogs. Then you just click on their blog, and it'll pull up the blog starting with the latest entry. It saves tons of time and it's so easy to use. So I just thought I would put that out there.
I also wanted to put this out there:

The reason the picture looks so dark is because that's how hard it's snowing right now. It's 11 in the morning and it's dark as night (almost) because the snow is out of control! Oh, wait. It stopped. And just like that, just like Germany weather, the sun is out. I guess you can disregard that last part. Sun and snow at the same time. You gotta love it!
Awww, my own shout-out on the blog! I feel so special! Bloglines really is great, though. Google reader has a similar doohickey, too.
Snow and sun, awesome! You're gonna miss that. :-)
Awww...Ramstahl. So cute!
I am reading the same book! My mother-in-law picked it up for me several weeks ago. So strage, so far away yet strangely still spiritually connected! I love ya!
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