So Zeke has fo
und himself a new hobby that I'm not exactly thrilled with. During naptimes he has decided that pooping and then putting his hand i
nto his poop is a good activity. I think you can see why I'm less than thrilled with this. And short of making him wear onesies all the time, I have no idea how to stop this. Any suggestions? We were told by someone that he's trying to tell us that he's ready to start potty training, that he's playing with his poop because he doesn't like the way it feels on his bottom. I don't think I buy that. I think it's more that he is intrigued by the feel of his poop on his hands and (sorry if this is gross) the way it squishes in his fingers, and that's why he does it. Sigh. What's a mom to do?

Oh my goodness Beth! I wish I had some advice for you. I know it's gross but how funny? Whatever advice you do get please pass it along just in case....
Kids...Oh MY!!!
Marie and I had lunch today and she told me of your...poop dilemma. Ok, seriously I do not think that he wants to potty train. I think that he wants to play in his poop. Liv did something similiar. When we layed her down for her nap she would take off EVERYTHING, including the diaper and then go to sleep. When she woke up she would be ticked at whatever mess she found herself laying in. So, we are from redneck NC and the solution? Duck tape. Seriously! We taped that darned diaper on every time she went to sleep for months. Granted it was a one more thing to do but it was alot better than cleaning up poo! How is that for a solution? :)
oh the joys of parenthood. that's just plain disguisting! Just think someday we won't be dealing with all this poop, vomit, snot, and other dirty body functions!!
I say do the duct tape! ;)
Honestly, motherhood is just full of all this stuff you never anticipate! Sometimes Kathleen gets a little crazy (like Olivia, it sounds like) and strips down before she falls asleep... That's a mess! If you don't go with duct tape, I'd stick with onesies for as long as they'll fit and he'll leave them on. Hopefully by the time they don't fit, he won't be interested anymore.
Or, take a sleeper with a zipper and feet, cut off the feet, and put it on backwards. It's impossible to get off! If you get a size or two bigger, you can put it over his clothes even.
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