So, Zeke still hasn't really getting the hang of the whole talking thing. I take that back. He's talking. A lot. He just isn't really using "real" words. He is quite fluent in "Zeke Speak" and he's perfectly happy using that. He can say lots of things, but it usually comes when he's repeating what he's heard. He never really uses his words on his own. We've been working with EDIS (Early Development Intervention Services) on it for a little less than a year, I think.
Karen, the lady from EDIS who comes most often, and I agree that Zeke is doing fine, but he is way behind on his communication skills - he has a pretty big speech delay. She came on Friday to just sit and see how he's doing, and she "retested" him (filled out the questionaire for his age) and he failed. Again. He did better than last time, but he stilled failed. So we made a new plan.
The first part of the plan is to take him in for a hearing test. The test would basically show whether or not his eardrums work properly or if there was a huge wax build-up or something else that could be causing Zeke's speech delay. I took him today. His right ear passed, but his left ear didn't. The other Karen from EDIS who tested him said that he moved a bit when his left ear was tested and that could be why he didn't pass with that ear. So now we have to go back in two weeks to test again.
The next part of the plan is for the Karens to come visit and do a full-on evaluation when Zeke turns 30 months (July). Also, at his 30 month well baby appointment, we're going to have Dr. Garde do an autism screening. You know, just to see.
So that's where we are. For the most part I'm not concerned. I mean, he's two. How much does he really NEED to be able to say? He gets his point across, and that's good enough for now. I say, let him be and let him play and let him enjoy his age. There will be plenty of time for stressing over all that nonsense once he starts school in three or so years (which I'm sure he'll be talking just fine by then). Zeke was late on everything, so why not talking too? I am convinced that he is just waiting until he has an extremely firm grasp on the English language before he starts using it. And when he does start using it, he'll be speaking in full sandwiches.
But there are days, and I'll admit this freely, when I do worry, when I do get sad that Zeke has this delay. Usually these are days when I read other people's blogs about the cute and funny things their kids are saying. And I know, I KNOW, I'm not supposed to compare kids, and for the most part I don't. I just want him to talk. I'm sure once he does start talking I'll regret it, but still. So there you have it. That's the latest and greatest from Walterland. And since it wouldn't be a post without some pictures, I close with a recent shot of Zeke and Deacon. This is why we don't have any nice pictures of the two of them. It just doesn't seem to ever work out.

This is me hugging you. I've been praying for you ever since our conversation yesterday. (Well, since before that but I was praying about Zeke's appointment since yesterday.) I admit that I thought briefly about autism but Zeke is so even-tempered and easy going. The speech delay fits but so many other things don't. I think it would be hard to make a case for autism at this point.
I don't know what to say about his left ear. I hope there's not a serious problem but if there is and if it's the cause of his delay, at least you'll have an answer. And it'll be something to work on.
I don't know...there's no easy answer. Jeff and I are standing with you and Josh. We love you and the boys so much. We are praying for all of you daily.
Daniel has a delay too. I took him in to EDIS right before he turned 3. I was noticing that he was getting more and more behind the other kids his age or even younger. So at almost 3 he tested at 21 months for his communication skills. In Nov we were able to get him into the special speech preschool they have and he is doing so great. He is saying so much more now and although still behind he is on his way.
I know what you mean about hearing about other kids saying so much more. That bothers me too even though I try not to let it. Anyway, you are not alone in this. :)
I am trying not to worry and just get him the help he needs and hope he will catch up. I know the school has really helped him.
It seems like on our base at least that there is a lot of help if you need it. And everyone I have met so far has been so nice.
Can it ever be easy to be a mom? I always ask myself that. Your boys are so wonderful and you guys are excellent parents! I'll be praying for you guys with this.
You have 2 amazing little guys! Things like this are just a reminder that life is real. Zeke will grow up to be an amazing little man. He is one of the happiest kiddos I know. He is so loved. I think that's all that matters. And I's so hard to not compare kids, but each child goes at their own pace. It's amazing that at such a young age, they are already their own little individual. Everything will work out and we'll be keeping you in our thoughts! Give those boys a hug from us!!
I keep meeting moms of boys Zeke's age who aren't talking yet either, if that makes you feel any better. I'll be praying for him and for you guys! And my cousin didn't start talking until he was 3 and then he spoke in complete sentences...and now he's a normal, productive adult! I miss you!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the OLED, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Mothering takes everything we have! I not sure if there is anything that we so fully give ourselves to. I believe it is one way that God shows us our broken and selfish hearts.
Ethan seems to be behind in speech as well - and I really don't see him catching up to the "norm" anytime soon. Just today I was thinking that if he would only talk, so many of our tantrum issues may just go away. At this point(23 months), he is probably where Emma was at one year. I'm guessing when they are twenty, Emma will still talk soooo much more than Ethan. It is partly who they are.
Well, those are my two cents. Don't forget that when we blog, we often put forth our very best stories... and even when we write our bad days we make them into good stories.
Wish we were near so we could do this together.
Praying for you Beth,
I back up everything already said Beth. I also, know regardless of what people say there are good days and bad. I will pray for more good than bad and that the Lord will sustain you on the later.
Also, having had 3 boys i've had 2 who were way behind in speach and 1 who was very early (comparitively). I've noticed there is a significant difference between girls and boys in regards to learning development. You are NOT alone and Zeke will be like every other boy and speak when he's ready!
Oh, Beth. I'm praying for you, too. There's so much about being a mom that's hard, isn't there? So much more than it seemed! Paula's right -- even our bad stories seem better on blogs. (For example, there's no blog about how I cried on the way home from storytime because my toddler was so naughty!) Things always seem better and easier from the outside....
Still, your boys are adorable, and you and Josh are amazing parents. I know that whatever happens (and I think it's just that one day Zeke's going to bust out with a soliloquy and blow us all away), you're surrounded by love and prayers.
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