At one year, Zeke weighed 22 pounds, was 30 inches long, and looked like this:

At one year, Deacon weighed 22 pounds 8 ounces, was 30 1/4 inches long, and looked like this:

At one year, Finn weighs 22 pounds 9 ounces, is 29 and 3/4 inches long, and looks like this:
Since we did our "big" celebration for Finn's birthday last month while Daddy was home, yesterday was a sort of low key day. Finn and I spent 2 hours at the clinic for his check-up, immunizations, and finger prick. After naps we had cupcakes. We had stuffed peppers and watermelon for dinner (it was Cinco de Mayo as well after all). Zeke and Deacon spent a good hour outside running around while Finn and I hung out inside reading the book he got at the clinic and playing with whatever we wanted.
Happy Birthday Finn! We love you very, very much sweet boy. (By the way, I'm having a hard time believing he's 1 already...where did this year [and my baby] go?!)

Happy Mother's Day, Beth. You are blessed with the cutest boys!!
Aunt Lorrie
Happy Mother's Day, Beth. You are blessed with the cutest boys!!
Aunt Lorrie
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