Our sweet, sweet Deacon turned 2 on Friday. I know, I know, how does this keep happening? It seems like only last week he was 1. Hehe. Anyhoo, we had a lot of fun celebrating his special day. Well, once Daddy got home from work. Before that it was just a day like any other day.
But fun abounded as we opened presents (and I do mean "we" as Zeke insisted on helping, and I joined in when things were moving at an incredibly slow pace)...

I like that last one. Zeke's all smiley as he "helps", while Deacon is all, "Dude. Get your mitts offa my present or I will eat you."
Zeke's smiles quickly faded as he realized that all of the toys were for Deacon and he wasn't allowed to play with them right away...

After we cleaned up the boys, well boy, Zeke managed to devour his two cupcakes in 30 seconds without making any sort of mess at all, we put on Deacon's favorite movie, "WALL-E"...

After the movie it was off to bed, where they burned off the sugar from the cupcakes for a bit (and of course, by a bit I mean 2 1/2 hours). Saturday more presents came in the mail, and there were left over cupcakes. All in all, I think Deacon had a pretty good day.
Happy Birthday Deacon! Two years old - unbelievable. We really need to see your little guys. Not sure how to make that happen...
Ethan didn't have cake or candles for his third birthday because I just didn't get it together in time. I don't think he noticed.
Happy Birthday, Deacon-doodle! I watched Wall-E twice in your honor. I had no idea I'd like it so much! I'm sorry your present is late; your cousin's first birthday party totally sucked life out of me. Rest assured (or stay awake assured) that I love you very much! And I want to monch your cute little cheeks. NOM! I love you so much, sweet boy.
Aunt Linda
Oh those sweet faces! Sounds like a fun birthday, hope the bedtime issues resolve soon!
Crazy how fast they grow up. We had our first day of potty training our last one today!!!
Sorry we missed you in AK. We were on a cruise so our stops were few and brief. :(
Love reading about your boys, makes me feel comforted somehow that I'm not the only mother of boyzzzzz!
Happy Birthday, Deacon! How our little ones grow... It goes so quickly! Glad you had a good celebration.
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