First, we have this guy, who will give you the stink eye (or the "Dee Dee glare" as it's more affectionately known as here -I'm trying to get a good picture of it for you) when you go to get him up if he's still sleeping. Following "the look of death", Deacon sort of moans, then rolls over and pulls his blanket over his head, like so...

hoping, without much success, that you will take the hint and go away. And go away now, thank you. While I'm usually tempted to leave him alone and let him wake up on his own (if only because he is an absolute bear if he doesn't get enough sleep) Zeke usually isn't down with that plan and stands there saying, "Hi Dee Dee! Hi Dee Dee! Time to get up Dee Dee!" until Deacon gives in and gets up.
Then there's this guy. While he is all sorts of smiles and cuteness and happiness in this picture (and most pictures recently, hence my lack of picture to illustrate my point)...

you should NOT let that smile fool you. Happy Man here, can go from looking like this to a full blown meltdown in half a second if the slightest (Zeke perceived) whiff of injustice looks like it might be coming his way, never mind should I actually tell him that "no, he may not have a third cookie before dinner." I can just hear him in my mind now, "But Mo-om! That's not fair! Deacon still has a cookie in his hand so I should still have a cookie in my hand! That's it isn't it? You love Deacon more than me! Waaaaaaa!" When in reality Deacon still has a cookie in his hand because it takes him forever to eat a cookie/lollypop/cracker/anysnackfoodofanykind whereas Zeke devours his. Actually, Zeke can eat three of anything in the time it takes Deacon to eat one. But moving on.
Finally, there's this guy who somehow managed to lock himself in the bathroom the other day. He then proceeded to just lay there in that laundry basket and completely ignore my attempts (and eventual success) at opening the locked bathroom door from the hallway.

I'm still not sure how he did it. I suspect Zeke had a hand in it, but he's never played with door locks before, so I'm not totally buying it. But I guess that does make more sense than Peavey going over to the door, closing it and locking it on purpose. Can a cat get some privacy please? Geez people.
Speaking of the cat and his privacy, or lack there of now, Peavey seems to be adjusting quite well. The boys, of course, are thrilled he's here and announce it every time he comes into view. Deacon lets out a "Chat!" followed by a squeal and he bounds toward the poor animal, as Zeke says, "Peavey Cat!" and tries to bestow hugs and kisses on the black beast. Peavey, for his part, gives out a little cry, gets up and gets away as quickly but as nonchalantly as possible. The boys are then a little bit heartbroken, but they've gotten better at accepting Peavey's mostly unfriendly-when-it-comes-to-wee-ones ways. When he first got here (you know, last week) and he would go downstairs if the boys started giving him too much attention, Zeke would stand at the top of the steps and call down, "Peavey Cat, come here. Come here cat, come here." Which, Peavey would never do. Now when he runs away, the boys follow as far as they can, then go back about their business.
Oh, and Peavey made his first confirmed kill Saturday night. He caught and ate some sort of bird. And since he ate but two feathers (I think he left those to show Josh the good job he did [Josh was fishing this past weekend, so he was not around for the kill]) Peavey then spent the night outside because no way was I going to clean up after him should he have decided that the bird did not sit so well in his tummy. Now if we could just get him to get after those squirrels...
1 comment:
Deacon is a crack up. He's gonna be the grumpy teenage kid who sleeps till noon. Glad you have Peavey again! I'm sure he can hold his own in a neighborhood of dogs!
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